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[翻译资讯] 资深翻译家畅谈外事翻译的苦乐和经验 admin 2012-7-1 11:54:27
[翻译资讯] 谚语翻译技巧 admin 2012-7-1 11:48:42
[翻译资讯] 十大翻译利器 admin 2012-7-1 11:46:11
[翻译资讯] 汉译英技巧 admin 2012-7-1 11:43:59
[翻译资讯] 做好口译中交传需注意的几点 admin 2012-7-1 11:33:43
[翻译资讯] 英语口语:千万别加错油:告诉你各种“加油”怎么说 admin 2012-6-29 15:11:16
[翻译资讯] 最后的《红楼梦》英文翻译大师 admin 2012-6-29 15:01:27
[翻译资讯] 史蒂夫·乔布斯语录 admin 2012-6-29 14:55:18
[翻译资讯] 趣味英语:动物比喻的地道英语翻译 admin 2012-6-29 14:52:40
[翻译资讯] The Inner Man Christine Banks 2012-6-28 21:15:56
[翻译资讯] Some Useful Words'Senses admin 2012-6-28 21:12:48
[翻译资讯] The Sea James Reeves 2012-6-28 21:11:18
[翻译资讯] Random Thoughts Wu Ruozeng 2012-6-28 21:10:06
[翻译资讯] Fortune Orison Swett Marden 2012-6-28 21:08:03
[翻译资讯] The True Artist Norman Bethune 2012-6-28 21:06:51
[翻译资讯] 副词ever的常用法 admin 2012-6-28 21:02:03
[翻译资讯] Let's Cross That Bridge When We Come To It admin 2012-6-28 20:59:18
[翻译资讯] Life Wisdom admin 2012-6-28 20:58:29
[翻译资讯] Walt Disney's Quotes admin 2012-6-28 20:57:31
[翻译资讯] The Ambition to Succeed is China’s Strength John Gapper 2012-6-28 20:56:35
[翻译资讯] Thanksgiving Judith A. Lindberg 2012-6-28 20:54:57
[翻译资讯] Violin Prodigy admin 2012-6-28 20:53:05
[翻译资讯] Success in Life admin 2012-6-28 20:51:20
[翻译资讯] The Road Not Taken Robert Frost 2012-6-28 20:49:50
[翻译资讯] 英语的古旧词 admin 2012-6-27 17:01:25
[翻译资讯] 谚语英语翻译应力求简洁 admin 2012-6-27 17:00:39
[翻译资讯] 有关“核不扩散”方面的英语翻译 admin 2012-6-27 16:59:51
[翻译资讯] 国庆阅兵相关英语翻译 admin 2012-6-27 16:57:48
[翻译资讯] 中国式英语对英语的影响 admin 2012-6-27 16:57:03
[翻译资讯] 汉语成语英语翻译 admin 2012-6-27 16:56:25
[翻译资讯] 住宅常见缩写词英语翻译 admin 2012-6-27 16:55:39
[翻译资讯] 比尔•盖茨的十句金玉良言 hunter 2012-6-27 16:54:54
[翻译资讯] 有关News的英语翻译 admin 2012-6-27 16:53:19
[翻译资讯] Life Principles from A to Z admin 2012-6-27 16:51:15
[翻译资讯] Hope Is the Thing with Feathers Emily Dickinson 2012-6-27 16:50:26
[翻译资讯] The Origin of Flying Saucers admin 2012-6-27 16:49:22
[翻译资讯] The Gettysburg Address admin 2012-6-27 16:47:46
[翻译资讯] 有关“红/Red”的英语翻译 admin 2012-6-26 11:29:42
[翻译资讯] 禁止类告示的英语翻译 admin 2012-6-26 11:28:43
[翻译资讯] 广告翻译的技巧 admin 2012-6-26 11:27:02

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