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作者:admin  发表时间:2014-12-5

Message on International Day for the Abolition of Slavery



2 December 2014



The United Nations estimates that there are more than 18 million people kept as slave labourers. Each day, women are trafficked, sold and locked in brothels. Every day, young girls are forcibly married, sexually abused or exploited as domestic workers.  Twenty-five years after the adoption of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, boys and girls are still working in appalling conditions.  Men, separated from their families, are still being locked in clandestine factories, working in situations of bonded labour with negligible wages and remote chances of ever repaying their debts.


据联合国估计,有1 800多万人被用作奴隶劳工。每天都有妇女遭到贩运、贩卖和被锁在妓院。每天都有年轻女孩被迫结婚、遭受性虐待或作为家政工人受到剥削。通过《儿童权利公约》25年之后,仍有男孩和女孩在骇人的条件下工作。也仍有与家人别离的男子,被锁在地下工厂做抵押劳工,其微不足道的工资使偿清债务的机会永远渺茫。


In the 19th century, the international community came together to declare slavery an affront to our common humanity.  Today, governments, civil society and the private sector must unite to eradicate all contemporary forms of slavery, including forced labour.




There are grounds for optimism. The life-long campaigner against child-bonded labour, Kailashi Satyarthi, is this year’s co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, helping to raise awareness of the issue. The recent End Child Slavery week has focused global attention on this continuing abuse of human rights. This year’s first observance of the World Day Against Trafficking (July 30), as well as the strengthening of international law on forced labour, has re-enforced the determination of many to banish these barbaric practices.




But much more needs to be done.




I urge Member States, businesses, foundations and other donors to support the UN Voluntary Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery so that civil society can carry out essential projects for the rehabilitation and redress of victims. We also need clear-sighted strategies, strong national legislation and a commitment to coordinate the fight against this crime. I urge all States to ratify and implement the relevant instruments of international law – in particular the new Protocol drawn up by the International Labour Organisation, which is designed to strengthen global efforts to eliminate forced labour.




Together, let us do our utmost for the millions of victims throughout the world who are held in slavery and deprived of their human rights and dignity.






发布人:admin    已被浏览 1130



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