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作者:admin  发表时间:2014-11-21
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on November 18, 2014
Q: On November 15, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sherif held talks with visiting Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, and they jointly met the press. Prime Minister Sherif said Pakistan supports Afghanistan’s peaceful reconciliation process and the efforts made by the Afghan people to pursue peace and progress. President Ghani said that the two countries should open a new chapter of bilateral relations, and the past shall not be permitted to destroy the future. Both countries should serve as strong pillars ensuring the economic integration of Asia. What is China’s comment on this?
A: Both Afghanistan and Pakistan are good neighbors and good friends of China. It is our sincere hope that the two countries can enhance communication, deepen mutual trust, expand cooperation and improve relations, which not only improves their capabilities to address common challenges together and achieve national stability and development, but also contributes to regional peace and stability. China will continue to play a constructive role for the improvement of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations.
Q: Acclaimed Japanese film star Ken Takakura passed away. He won a lot of fans in China and contributed to China-Japan friendship. What is China’s comment?
A: Mr. Ken Takakura is a well-known Japanese artist to the Chinese people who made important and positive contributions to cultural exchanges between China and Japan. We mourn for his passing.
Q: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will soon dissolve the lower house of Japan’s parliament. What is China’s comment?
A: What you asked is Japan’s internal affair. We will not comment on that.
Q: Recently, there are reports saying that the Indian government will cooperate with the Japanese side to build a 2000-km strategic road in the disputed area of the eastern section of the China-India boundary. Japan International Corporation Agency landed the contract, and will provide financial assistance and technical expertise. What is China’s comment?
A: We have noted the report and checked with relevant authorities. The Japanese side has clarified that their cooperation project does not involve disputed parts of the China-India boundary.
Q: A western intelligence report said that the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards was funded through Chinese financial institutions. Is China aware of the specifics? What is China’s comment?
A: I am not aware of the specifics.
However, I would like to point out that China, as a major responsible country, has been strictly observing its international obligations. We maintain normal economic and trade engagements with Iran which violate no international laws or resolutions of the UN Security Council, and harms no interests of other countries and those of the international community.
发布人:admin    已被浏览 1290



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