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作者:admin  发表时间:2014-11-20

Message of Congratulations from Chinese President Xi Jinping to the First World Internet Conference
On the occasion of the opening of the First World Internet Conference, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, I would like to extend warm congratulations on the Conference. I also want to extend warm welcome to all participants, including government officials from various countries, heads of international institutions, experts, scholars and business people.
Amid a new round of scientific and technological revolution with information technology at its core, the Internet is increasingly becoming a pacesetter of innovation-driven development, profoundly changing people’s way of production and life and powering social development. It has turned the world into a global village and made the international community a highly interdependent community of common destiny. Meanwhile, the development of the Internet has posed new challenges to national sovereignty, security and development interests, which requires the international community to meet urgently and seriously and pursue common governance and win-win outcome.
China is actively advancing the development of the Internet and extending its benefit to the 1.3 billion Chinese people. Following the principle of mutual respect and mutual trust, China is ready to work with other countries to deepen international cooperation, respect sovereignty on the Internet, uphold cyber security, and jointly build a cyberspace of peace, security, openness and cooperation and an International Internet governance system of multilateralism, democracy and transparency.
本届世界互联网大会以“互联互通 共享共治”为主题,回应了国际社会对网络空间面临重大问题的共同关注。希望与会嘉宾集思广益、凝聚共识、贡献创见,推动互联网更好造福人类。
With “An Interconnected World Shared and Governed by All” as its theme, the World Internet Conference has reflected the major issues of cyberspace that the international community is focused on. I hope that participants will contribute creative ideas, pool wisdom and build consensus, so as to ensure that the Internet will bring even greater benefit to mankind.
I wish the Conference a complete success.     
发布人:admin    已被浏览 1307



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