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作者:admin  发表时间:2014-2-6

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Remarks on NHK Governor's Denial of Nanjing Massacre

     问:据报道,日本广播协会经营委员百田尚树3日在演讲中称,1938年蒋介石曾宣传“日本军队实施了南京大屠杀”,但世界各国对此无视,原因在于根本不存在南京大屠杀。战后,南京大屠杀在东京审判中如亡灵般出现,这是因为美军为了抵消自己所犯罪行。中方对此有何评论?Q: In his speech on January 3, Naoki Hyakuta, a member of the NHK board of governors reportedly said that "Chiang Kai-shek tried to publicize Japan's responsibility for the Nanjing Massacre in 1938, but the nations of the world ignored him. Why? Because it never happened." He also asserted that the Nanjing Massacre was a fabricated story brought up during the Tokyo war crimes trial to overshadow the atrocities committed by the US in WWII. What is China's comment?


      A: The Nanjing Massacre is an atrocious crime commited by the Japanese militarism during its war of aggression against China. The international community has already rendered a verdict based on irrefutable evidences. It is a blatant challenge to international justice and human conscience when a handful of people in Japan attempted to blot out, cover up and distort that history. Such erroneous behavior follows those of the Japanese leader who tries to reverse the history. The international community should be highly vigilant against this. We solemnly urge Japan to face up to and deeply reflect on the invasion history, handle the problems left over from history with a responsible and proper attitude, and regain trust from its Asian neighbors and the international community with concrete actions.

      来源:中华人民共和国外交部网 日期:2014年2月6日


发布人:admin    已被浏览 1825



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