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作者:admin  发表时间:2013-8-7
古砚说/An Old Ink-stone
                            许獬(Xu Xie)
    I have an old ink-stone, given me some years ago by a friend, which I kept out for ordinary use, unaware how old it was. Then a connoisseur told me, “This dates from the Five Dynasties or Song Dynasty (1). You should treasure it as an antique and not let it get damaged.” After hearing that I did treasure it, but never had the time to verify whether it was a Five-dynasties or Song-dynasty stone.
    However, even if this really was a Five-dynasties or Song stone, the men of those days would have used it as an ordinary ink-stone. How could they know that it would escape destruction and come down to the present time as an antique? Now that it has come down to us we know that it dates from the Five Dynasties or Song, but not how it would have been regarded by the men of those times, who treasured relics of the Zhou, Qin, Han and Wei dynasties (2). Nor do we know how the men of Zhou, Qin, Han and Wei would have regarded objects which belonged to their own times.
    人们看到世上那些和和乐乐的人,沉醉于奢华艳丽的享乐中,在权贵和地位显赫的人的门前来回奔跑,卑躬屈膝的样子,遭受羞辱却不知道羞耻。这时,有一个人站出来改变这种风气,高高直立守道自重,凭淡泊的心态守住自己的操守,拿古代先人琴书图画、器物爱好来娱乐自己,并且美其名叫“好古”。所以大凡能名之曰 “好古”的人,一定不是平庸世俗的人。因为那不是平庸世俗的人所喜欢的,那么那些平庸世俗的人也就追随并模仿着他们。于是读书人中那些追求财利求得上进的人,一定想竭尽办法拿出权贵们没有的东西,来巴结侍奉那些权贵要人;权贵要人也时时拿出自己的器物的在读书人中夸耀。可是那些羡慕“好古”却不知追求什么的读书人,也每每与世人竞争角逐,一定要仿效他们所拥有的器物而后快。
    This world, as we can see, is full of people hustling about and indulging in luxury and licence, who tuck up their robes and wet their feet in their hurry to call on the great, and suffer slights without any sense of shame. If a man disapproves of this and hold aloof, finding all his delight in old lyres, books, paintings and other objects, he is dubbed an antiquary. An antiquary cannot be vulgar; and since his tastes differ from those of the vulgar, the vulgar imitate them. Thereupon the men out for profit and advancement do their best to collect curiosities to curry favour with great nobles; great nobles display those they possess to impress men; and the scholars with nothing to do but admire antiques join in the contest too, not resting content till they have equaled the other men’s collection.
    But these are not true antiquaries, they merely share the tastes of the vulgar. So if they still brag and pose as antiquaries to mark themselves different from the vulgar, they may be so in name but not in fact.
    To my mind, an antiquary is one who studies the teachings of the ancients, writes in their style and wishes he could have known them. Since this is impossible, he searches high and low for things that have passed through their hands and takes pleasure in these because they conjure up the men of old—this is why his enjoyment of them never palls. For it is the men of old whom antiquaries love, not the things they used. If it were only the latter, what difference is there between things ancient and modern? Now since I admire not the objects but the men, I can become a man of the old type myself; and for all I know, hundreds of generations to come, antiquaries may admire me too. What folly it would be, then, to spurn what is ours and admire nothing but what is ancient.
    Most of today’s fashions appear to me of this sort—one thing in name, but quite another in fact. As such cases are too numerous to mention, I have written about an old ink-stone to convey something of my meaning.
    (1)Five Dynasties: 907-960, Song Dynasty: 960-1279
    (2)Zhou, Qin, Han and Wei dynasties: from twelfth century BC to third century AD.
发布人:admin    已被浏览 1540



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