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作者:admin  发表时间:2024-1-24



Self-cultivation, family management, state governance, and bringing peace to all under heaven

This is a quotation from Da Xue (The Great Learning). It means that one should first cultivate oneself, then manage the family, govern the state, and bring peace to all under heaven. During this expanding process, a person's virtue and attainment are closely related with their political goals at different levels. This is an important subject of Confucian philosophy and a political ideal of ancient Chinese scholars. The quotation is a good summary of the process of learning and reflects the Confucian view on virtue and politics, starting with an individual and then expanding to the family, the region and the whole country.

Xi Jinping has more than once used this quotation to describe the deep love of Chinese scholars for the country. On one occasion in May 2014, when talking with the faculty and students of Peking University, he referred to this classic concept and encouraged the students to cultivate morality and virtue and prepare themselves for state governance.

来源:当代中国与世界研究院 日期:2022年10月13日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 320



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