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作者:admin  发表时间:2022-2-10

I Admit It. I’m in Love with Fear


Eileen Gu


For the last 10 of my 18 years, I’ve pursued a tumultuous love affair with fear. I’m a professional freeskier, and twin-tipped skis, 22-foot halfpipes and double-cork rotations are my main sources of adrenaline, the truly addictive core of extreme sports.


Like all bewitching lovers (at least the ones in the novels I read, for lack of real-world experience), this significant other can be…mercurial. “Fear” is really an umbrella term for three distinct sensations: excitement, uncertainty, and pressure. I’ve learned that the nuanced indicators of each of these feelings can be instrumental to success when recognized and positively leveraged, and harbingers of injury when ignored.


Though it’s easy to label extreme sport athletes as fearless or capricious, the countless hours I’ve spent visualizing tricks and practicing them in foam pits (foam. particles. everywhere) and on airbags (think giant Slip ’N Slide) suggest otherwise. It’s biologically counterintuitive for us to place ourselves in positions of risk, and while we make every effort to physically prepare, no amount of metaphorically safety-netted practice can equate to the unforgiving snow slope that rushes up to meet us after a steep kicker launches us into the air. Instead of ignoring fear, we build unique relationships with it by developing a profound sense of self-awareness and making deliberate risk assessments.

虽然极限运动员很容易被贴上无畏或不走寻常路的标签,但其实,我曾花无数个小时在海绵池(填满了泡沫和颗粒)和气垫上(想象一种巨型的Slip ’N Slide滑水道)想象做那些技巧动作的画面,并进行练习。把自己置于危险境地从生理上说是违背天性的,虽然我们尽一切努力做好了身体状态上的准备,但再多的所谓安全训练,也不能与无情的雪坡相提并论,在一个剧烈颠簸将我们抛入空中之后,它就直奔我们而来。我们不是忽视恐惧,而是通过探索深刻的自我意识和深思熟虑的风险评估,与恐惧建立独特的关系。

The work begins with visualization. Before I attempt a new trick, I feel a tightening high in my chest, between the base of my throat and the top of my diaphragm. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. As I ascend the gargantuan takeoff ramp, I imagine extending my legs to maximize lift. Then I picture twisting my upper body in the opposite direction I intend to spin, generating torque before I allow it to snap back the other way.


Now, in my mind, I’m airborne. I see the backside of the takeoff immediately, then my flip draws my vision to the cloudless sky above me. My ears register the wind as a kind of song, every 360-degree rotation providing the beat to the music of my motion. As my feet come under me halfway through, I spot the landing for the briefest of moments before I pull my body into the second flip. I imagine my legs swinging under me as I return to a forward-facing position and meet the ground with my weight in the front of my boots. 1440 degrees. I smile. Then I open my eyes.


In the split second following my visualization, the knot in my chest flutters and spreads – those famous butterflies reaching their final stage of metamorphosis. Excitement, the child of adrenaline, my true love and addiction. That tantalizingly precarious balance between confidence in my ability to execute the trick safely and excitement for the unpredictable experience to come. I’ve heard this state called “the zone,” which is indeed where I was when I became the first female skier in history to land the double cork 1440 last fall.

想象结束后的一刹那,堵在我胸口的疙瘩终于扑腾着舒展开来——就像化茧成蝶那著名的蜕变终章。随着肾上腺素而来的兴奋,就是我真正热爱和沉迷的东西。对安稳完成动作的自信,对即将到来的未知体验的兴奋,这两者之间那种摇摇欲坠的平衡让我欲罢不能。我听说这种状态被称为“化境”(the zone),去年秋天,当我成为历史上第一个完成前空翻两周加转体四周的女性滑雪运动员时,我的确进入了那样的状态。

来源:NYT 日期:2022年2月9日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 804



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