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作者:admin  发表时间:2021-4-18


China Review News: On April 15, three independent experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council expressed deep regret at Japan's decision to release nuclear wastewater into the ocean, saying the discharge could impact millions of lives and livelihoods in the Pacific region and impose considerable risks to the full enjoyment of human rights. The Pacific Islands Forum, the Philippines, the DPRK and others also expressed deep concern, urging Japan to take all necessary measures to avoid damaging the oceans especially the global ecological environment. What's your comment?

1. 联合国人权理事会 the UN Human Rights Council
2. 独立专家 independent experts
3. 核废水 nuclear wastewater
4. 构成极大威胁 impose considerable risks to
5. 太平洋岛国论坛 The Pacific Islands Forum
6. 采取一切必要措施 take all necessary measures to

Zhao Lijian: We noted the responses from various sides. China has elaborated its stern position on Japan's decision to discharge Fukushima nuclear wastewater into the sea many times. Yesterday, China summoned the Japanese Ambassador to China to lodge solemn representation. We urge Japan to face up to its responsibility, follow the science, fulfill its international obligations and refrain from wantonly discharging the wastewater before reaching consensus with all stakeholders and international agencies through consultations.

1. 表明严正立场 elaborate its stern position
2. 召见 summon
3. 严正交涉 lodge solemn representation
4. 认清自身责任,秉持科学态度,履行国际义务 face up to its responsibility, follow the science, fulfill its international obligations

Countries find it hard to understand why Japan is bent on choosing a dangerous method that would undermine global marine environment before exhausting all safe ways of disposal. Japan says the wastewater has been "treated" and is clean. If so, why bother to seal it in tanks? Japan claims that the release follows international common practice and international standards. Which common practice is Japan referring to since there is no precedent of discharging contaminated water from nuclear accident into the sea? Have the standards unilaterally put forward by Japan been verified and recognized by any third-party agency in an objective and independent manner? Japan claims to value external concerns, but has it fully consulted with neighboring countries and international environmental organizations? Why has it been reluctant for so long to set up a technical working group participated by Chinese experts and others within the framework of international organization and accept international assessment, verification and surveillance? It is reported by Reuters that a senior Japanese official sent an email asking international media not to use "contaminated" to describe the nuclear wastewater. I'd like to ask the Japanese side, if the water is indeed not contaminated, what is gnawing at your conscience?

1. 穷尽安全处置手段 exhausting all safe ways of disposal
2. 执意选择 is bent on choosing
3. 先例 precedent
4. 第三方机构 third-party agency
5. 周边国家 neighboring countries
6. 国际环保组织 international environmental organizations4.

The Japanese people were once victims of environmental pollution. Pollution diseases in Japan in the 20th century including Minamata disease, Yokkaichi asthma and itai-itai disease are all caused by the concentrated release of poisonous and hazardous materials. The diseases brought lingering sufferings to tens of thousands of Japanese people. Now the Japanese government is walking away from national morality and responsibility and trifling with the health and safety of future generations, including its own people.

1. 公害病 Pollution diseases
2. 有毒有害物质 poisonous and hazardous materials
3. 数以万计 tens of thousands of
4. 置国家道义与责任于不顾 is walking away from national morality and responsibility

I must reiterate that dumping the nuclear wastewater into the sea can not be the first option, still less should it be taken as the only option. We urge Japan to be responsible for all humankind and future generations, and review and revoke the wrong decision. Japan needs to face up to the unanimous call of countries in earnest, accept the substantive participation and surveillance of China and the wider international community, and handle the issue in an open and transparent manner.

来源:外交部发言人办公室 日期:2021年4月18日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 1088



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