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作者:admin  发表时间:2019-6-17

Ticket prices rise arbitrarily
乱象:部分景区门票价格令一些中低收入者无力承受,出门旅游已是奢侈。门票价格上涨,服务水平不见提高,更是让很多旅游者不能接受。 Phenomenon: The ticket prices of some scenic spot are so high that tourism has turned into a luxurious activity for low and middle-income earners. The situation of "the ticket price rising but the service level not" is especially not accepted by tourists.
案例:国家发改委为了抑制票价过快增长,规定景区票价3年才可作调整,而现在“3年解禁”似乎成了景区涨价的借口。每到“解禁年”,各旅游景区都在摩拳擦掌,迫不及待地准备涨价。今年数月内,全国有超过20个知名景区门票涨价,涨幅从20%到60%不等。 Case: In order to control the ticket price rising, National Development and Reform Commission of China prescribes that scenic spots must adjust their ticket prices only once per three years. However, in every "price adjustment year," scenic spots always compete to raise their ticket prices. In first several months of 2012, more than 20 well-known scenic spots of China had raised their ticket prices with growth rates between 20 percent and 60 percent.
草案规定:景区门票价格变动应提前6个月公布。景区经过主管部门批准方可有偿收取门票。利用公共资源开放的景区门票实行政府定价或者政府指导价;其他景区门票实行市场定价;其价格应当向价格主管部门备案。 Draft tourism law: If a scenic spot wants to raise its ticket price, it should declare it six months earlier. A scenic spot cannot charge the ticket price unless it has obtained the approval from the relevant administrative department. Tickets prices of the scenic spots using public resources should be fixed by the government or under governmental guidance; other scenic spots should fix their ticket prices according to the market and their ticket prices should be put on record in the relevant administrative department.


Tourism safety accident
乱象:由于旅游者和旅游组织机构安全意识淡漠,缺乏应有的素质,违反操作规程或不遵守操作规程;或者因只注重经济效益,提供不合格的旅游产品,从而引发旅游安全事故,造成旅游者人身和财产安全受到侵害。 Phenomenon: Due to the fact that some tourists and tourism organizations have low safety awareness, lack relevant knowledge and qualities, violate relevant regulations or pay attention to only the economic benefit and offer disqualified tourism products, tourism accidents often occur, injuring tourists and leading to their economic losses.
案例:2012年3月,两名“驴友”相约攀爬北京房山区周口店凤凰山,不慎失足坠崖。历时10个多小时的救援,在周口店青银沟解救一名生还者,另一人在救援人员找到时已经身亡。2009年,华北电力大学周副教授在凤凰岭公园爬山,不幸坠崖殒命。法院判决认定因周副教授自行爬野山导致死亡,凤凰岭公园不承担过错赔偿责任。 Case: In March 2012, when two travelers were climbing Fenghuang Hill in Zhoukoudian, Fangshan District, Beijing, they fell off a cliff. Rescuers, after searching for them for more than 10 hours, found a survivor in Qingyin Valley, Zhoukoudian, but the other one was already dead when they found him. In 2009, an associate professor from North China Electric Power University Zhou also fell off a cliff and lost his life while climbing a hill in Fenghuang Ridge Park. The court judged that Zhou's death was caused by his own action and Fenghuang Ridge Park was not responsible for it.
草案规定:县级以上人民政府应当依法将旅游应急管理纳入政府应急管理体系,制定应急预案,建立旅游突发事件应对机制。突发事件发生后,当地人民政府及其有关部门和机构应当采取措施开展救援,并协助旅游者返回出发地或者旅游者指定的合理地点。旅游者可能达到或者超过最大承载量时,景区应向当地人民政府报告,景区和当地人民政府应当及时采取疏导、分流等措施,旅游者应当予以配合。 Draft tourism law: Every people's government above the county level should bring the tourism emergency management into the governmental emergency management system according to laws, make emergency response plans and establish the tourism emergency response system. When an emergency occurs, the local government and relevant departments and organizations should carry out rescue measures and help the tourist return to the place of departure or the place appointed by the tourist. When the number of tourists reaches or exceeds the maximum capacity of a scenic spot, the scenic spot should report it to the local government and the scenic spot and the government should take such measures as evacuating and splitting the tourists in time. The tourists should cooperate with them.


来源:中国网 日期:2012年9月14日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 955



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