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作者:admin  发表时间:2019-6-17


Zero- or negative-fare tours

乱象:旅游“零负团费”是指组团旅行社在销售旅游产品时,只收取低于产品成本的费用,旅游者在旅行目的地吃住行等费用以及旅行社的利润,是从对旅游者推荐购物和各种旅游自费活动中收取的。 Phenomenon: "Zero- or negative-fare tours" refer to tourism products sold by travel agencies at or below cost in order to lure tourists. Accommodations and transportation expenses at travel destinations are actually covered by the profits travel agencies make from persuading or even forcing tourists to buy particular goods and participate in various activities at their own expense.
案例:2010年7月18日,南京杨某等12名游客报名参团港澳五日游,在港澳游玩结束返回珠海逗留期间,珠海地接导游擅自将游览百货公司行程变更为珠宝店,并极力向游客推销香烟和珠宝,但游客都不愿意购买,为此双方发生激烈争吵,导游威胁并将所有游客赶下大巴,双方对峙1小时之久。 Case: Twelve tourists from Nanjing embarked on a five-day package tour to Hong Kong and Macao on July 18, 2010. During their short stay in Zhuhai after the main part of the package tour was finished, a local tourist guide changed their travel destination in the city from a department store to a jewelry store without prior notice, and tried to persuade them to buy cigarettes and jewelry there. The tourists refused and entered an hour-long bitter quarrel with the guide, who even threatened to kick all tourists off the bus.
草案规定:旅行社不得以低于成本的价格招徕、组织、接待旅游者。旅行社组织、接待团队旅游不得指定购物场所,不得强迫或者变相强迫购物,不得安排任何形式的另行付费旅游项目,导游服务费用应在包价旅游合同中明示;同时明确包价旅游合同内容必须包括旅游行程安排、游览娱乐项目的具体内容和时间、自由活动时间安排、旅游费用及其交纳等,旅行社不得在包价旅游合同约定之外安排收费项目或者另行收取费用。 Draft tourism law: Travel agencies shall not attract, organize, or receive tourists below cost. Package tours shall not involve designated shopping places or forced and semi-forced purchasing. Travel agencies shall not arrange any tourism activity that charges additional fees, and shall clearly state the prices for tour guide services in package tour contracts. A package tour contract must include an itinerary, detailed schedule for planned activities, free time, travel expenses, and payment methods. Travel agencies may not arrange paid activities or charge additional fees beyond package tour contracts.



Forced purchasing

乱象:强迫购物是指旅行社强迫或者变相强迫旅游者购物的行为。比如向游客增加自费景点和购物点赚取“回扣”和“人头费”等等。 Phenomenon: Forced purchasing is the practice of travel agencies forcing tourists to purchase goods in any form. For example, certain travel agents earn kickbacks by taking tourists to additional scenic spots and shopping places at their own expense.
案例:据网友反映,一名自称是成都十佳导游之一的陈姓导游,在带团过程中,擅自加入了“水晶店”、“藏药店”、白石羌寨的“银饰店”、“牦牛肉店”、“牦牛角梳厂”等5个购物项目,每个店平均50分钟左右。在旅游车进入黄龙之前,陈导游采取恐吓(不服用口服液可能出现严重的高原反应,并援引相关病例)的方式推销“红景天口服液”,成都药店该药售价为48元,陈导游却卖100元一盒。 Case: Certain Internet users said that a tourist guide surnamed Chen, who claimed to be one of the top 10 guides in Chengdu, added five additional shopping places, including a crystal store, which each required a 50-mintue stay, to a package tour without discussing it with tourists. Before their tour bus entered the Huanglong Scenic Resort, Chen intimidated tourists into buying the "Hongjingtian" oral solution at 100 yuan per box by exemplifying that severe altitude sickness might occur if they did not drink the oral solution. In fact, the oral solution is only priced at 48 yuan per box in pharmacies across Chengdu.
草案规定:旅行社安排旅游者在指定场所购物、强迫或者变相强迫购物、安排另行付费旅游项目的,由旅游行政主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得,处5万元以上20万元以下罚款;初犯的并处停业整顿;再犯的吊销旅行社业务经营许可证和相关人员的导游证、领队证。 Draft tourism law: Tourism administrations shall command travel agencies to rectify the illegal practices of arranging for or forcing tourists to buy goods at designated stores and adding additional paid tourism activities, confiscate their illegal income, and impose a fine between 50,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan. First-time offenses will lead to suspension of the travel agencies involved, and repeat offenses will lead to the revocation of the business licenses of the travel agencies involved as well as the professional licenses of the tourist guides and other personnel involved.


来源:中国网 日期:2012年9月14日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 1004



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