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作者:admin  发表时间:2019-6-15

坚持协调推进工业化、城镇化和农业现代化。对于中国这样一个有着十几亿人口的大国来说,立足国内解决粮食和主要农产品供给问题,始终是治国安邦的头等大事。虽然农业份额会下降、农村人口会减少,但农业在国民经济中的基础作用不会改变。我们坚持在工业化、城镇化深入发展中同步推进农业现代化,为国民经济平稳较快发展奠定了坚实基础。 We should promote industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization in a coordinated way. For a big country like China with a population of over 1 billion, to ensure the domestic supply of grain and other major agricultural products is crucial to maintaining its stability and prosperity. Despite the drop of agriculture's share in GDP and decrease in rural population, the fundamental role of agriculture in China's economy will not change. We are committed to promoting the modernization of agriculture in the process of industrialization and urbanization. This has laid a solid foundation for ensuring steady and robust economic growth.
女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,
中国的工业化没有完成,“中国制造”总体上还处在国际产业链的中低端,与国际先进水平差距很大。中国工业化面临的突出矛盾和问题,主要是:产业发展模式粗放,市场竞争力不强,科技创新能力不足,资源利用效率不高。实现工业化仍然是中国现代化进程中艰巨的历史任务。对此,我们的认识是清醒的。我们将坚持推进创新型国家建设,加快转变经济发展方式和调整经济结构,大力推动“中国制造”向“中国创造”转变。坚持以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,努力走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化路子。 China is still in the process of industrialization. "Made in China" products are generally still at the medium and low rungs of the international industrial chain, and have a long way to go to catch up with the advanced level. China is confronted with major challenges and problems in industrialization, including an inefficient model of industrial development, lack of market competitiveness, weak capacity for scientific and technological innovation and low efficiency in the use of resources. We are keenly aware that to realize industrialization is still an arduous historic task China faces in its modernization drive. So we will continue to build an innovation-driven country, accelerate the shift of growth model and adjustment of economic structure, and work hard to achieve transition from "made in China" to "created by China." We will ensure that the development of an information-based society and industrialization will reinforce each other and thus embark on a new path of industrialization based on the development of science and technology, with good economic returns, low resource consumption and less pollution, and which fully taps into our strength in human resources.
女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,
当前国际金融危机没有结束,世界经济复苏充满艰难曲折。这场危机给全球工业发展造成了巨大的冲击,也带来了新的机遇。战胜这场国际金融危机,是全球工业界的重大使命。 The international financial crisis has not ended, and the path to world economic recovery is full of potholes. While this crisis has dealt a heavy blow to global industrial development, it has also created new opportunities for it. To overcome the international financial crisis is an important mission for global industries.
大力发展实体经济。这是实现世界经济稳定发展的根基。引发这次国际金融危机的一个重要原因,就是一些发达经济体虚拟经济过度膨胀、与实体经济脱节;世界经济迟迟走不出危机阴霾,也与实体经济缺乏新的增长点有关。中德两国经济在这场危机冲击中能够率先实现稳定增长,主要是因为两国长期重视实体经济发展,有坚实的实体经济基础。我们要从国际金融危机中汲取经验教训,引导更多的人力、财力和物力投向实体经济,营造更加有助于扩大就业和发展实体经济的环境,推动世界经济实现强劲、平衡、可持续增长。 We should vigorously grow the real economy. This is crucial for achieving the stable growth of the global economy. A major cause of the financial crisis is that the virtual economy in some developed countries has expanded excessively and become divorced from the real economy. And the lack of new growth areas in the real economy has hindered recovery of the world economy. China and Germany have taken the lead in fighting the crisis and realizing steady growth, because we have always given priority to growing the real economy and thus have a solid real economy as the foundation for growth. We should draw lessons from the international financial crisis, put more human resources as well as financial and material input into the real economy, foster an environment that can create more jobs and facilitate the growth of the real economy, and ensure strong, balanced and sustainable growth of the global economy.
大力推动科技创新。这是推动世界经济复苏的强大动力。从历史上看,大的经济危机往往伴随着新的科技革命;经济复苏往往离不开技术创新。全球正在进入空前的创新密集和产业振兴时代,各领域的科技创新层出不穷,新的市场、新的需求和新的经济增长点正在形成。每个国家和企业都要有远大的目光,紧紧把握世界科技发展的新趋势和经济社会发展的新要求,推动世界经济创新发展。 We should work hard to promote scientific and technological innovation. This will create a powerful impetus for promoting world economic recovery. Historically, major economic crises were followed by new scientific and technological revolution, and economic recovery was not possible without technological innovation. The world is entering an age of intensive innovation and industrial revitalization never seen in history. Technological innovation in various sectors is flourishing, and new markets, new demand and new economic growth areas are emerging. Every country and every company should have a broad vision, closely follow the latest progress in science and technology and new demand created by economic and social development, and boost innovation-based growth of the global economy.
大力推进开放合作。这是促进共同发展繁荣的必然选择。汉诺威工博会的一项重要使命,就是促进各国经济技术合作交流。每年大量优秀科技成果从这里走进市场,走向世界,这极大增强了工博会的魅力,给我们带来深刻启迪。我们要继续深化国际经贸合作,坚决反对各种形式的保护主义。加快完善全球经济治理,使之朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。携手应对气候变化、生态恶化、疾病和自然灾害、能源资源和粮食安全等全球性问题挑战,共同建设人类美好家园。 We should energetically enhance openness and cooperation. This is the right choice to promote common development and prosperity. An important mission of the Hannover Messe is to strengthen economic and technological cooperation and exchange among countries. Every year, a lot of scientific and technological advances presented here are absorbed by the market and the world. This has not only greatly increased the appeal of the Messe, but also showed us the right approach to take. We should continue to deepen international business cooperation and resolutely reject protectionism in all forms. We should move faster to improve global economic governance and make it fairer and more equitable. We should work together to meet global challenges such as climate change, ecological degradation, epidemics, natural disasters, and energy, resource and food security, and make the world a better place for all of us.
女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,
中国工业化在相当长时期内还会快速发展,蕴藏着巨大发展潜力和商机,这不仅属于中国企业,也属于世界各国企业。我愿意重申,中国坚持对外开放的基本国策决不会改变。我们将继续完善法律法规和政策,扩大市场准入,加大知识产权保护力度,在自主创新产品认定、政府采购等方面对所有在中国依法注册的企业一视同仁,为各国企业营造一个更加公平、透明、稳定、可预期的发展环境。参加汉诺威工博会的企业都是全球工业界的翘楚和生力军,我们真诚欢迎各国企业积极参与中国改革开放进程,共享中国繁荣进步的机遇和成果! China's industrialization will continue to advance rapidly for a long time to come. This will create huge development potential and business opportunities for both Chinese and foreign companies. I wish to reiterate here that China will remain unchanged in its commitment to the basic state policy of opening up. We will continue to improve our laws, regulations and policies, expand market access, strengthen intellectual property rights protection, ensure there is a level playing field for all companies legally registered in China when it comes to the accreditation of products of indigenous innovation and government procurement, and foster a more equitable, transparent, stable and predictable business environment for foreign companies. Companies attending the Hannover Messe are both leaders and promising newcomers in global industries. We sincerely welcome foreign companies to actively participate in China's reform and opening-up endeavor and share both the opportunities and fruit of China's prosperity and progress.
谢谢大家! Thank you!


来源:中国网 日期:2012年9月3日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 895



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