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作者:admin  发表时间:2019-5-22

当地时间9月26日,中国外交部长王毅在纽约联合国总部出席77国集团第37届外长年会并作重点发言。全文如下: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivers a keynote speech at the 37th Foreign Ministers' Annual Meeting of the G77 at the UN headquarters in New York, Sept. 26, 2013. Following is the full text:
As a Member of the Developing World
China Will Always Speak up for Developing Countries
——Remarks by Foreign Minister Wang Yi of China at the 37th Foreign Ministers' Annual Meeting of the G77
New York, 26 September 2013
女士们,先生们, Mr. President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
很高兴出席77国集团外长会。感谢斐济在担任2013年度77国集团主席期间所做的出色工作。我本人和中国代表团作为77国集团的老朋友,愿与大家共同努力,推动大会取得积极成果。 I'm very pleased to attend the Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the G77. I wish to thank Fiji for its remarkable work as the Chair of the G77 for 2013. The Chinese delegation and I myself are old friends of the G77. I am ready to work with all of you to make the meeting a great success.
主席先生, Mr. President,
近年来,国际形势发生很大变化,围绕发展中国家和77国集团的作用,国际社会有不少议论,我愿借此机会回答其中几个重要问题。 In recent years, the international situation has undergone numerous changes. There have been a great deal of discussions in the international community on the role of developing countries and the G77 in particular. I wish to take this opportunity to answer a few of the questions related to the topic.
有人问,当前发展中国家机遇和挑战哪个更多? Some asked: Are there more challenges than opportunities for the developing countries?
机遇与挑战都很多。一方面,经济全球化、世界多极化和社会信息化深入发展,赋予发展中国家更多的后发优势、更大的发展空间。新兴市场国家和发展中国家正在实现群体性崛起,数十亿人步入工业化,国际力量对比朝更加均衡的方向发展。发展中国家的发言权更重,声音更响,更受他人看重。 There are many opportunities and challenges for them. On the one hand, economic globalization, world multi-polarization and IT society development have grown rapidly, which offer developing countries still more latecomers' advantages and greater development horizon. The emerging markets and developing countries are growing collectively with billions becoming citizens of industrialized society. The international balance of power is moving towards greater equilibrium. The developing countries have gained a greater say in world affairs and enjoyed greater respect.
另一方面,发展中国家是地区性冲突和金融危机的主要受害者。当前世界经济复苏基础脆弱,短期资本大进大出,发展筹资不足,保护主义盛行,导致发展中国家外部发展环境更趋复杂。发达国家推进“再工业化”,酝酿新的科技革命,推进自贸区建设,加强对其有利的规则设定,使发展中国家面临不进则退的压力。 On the other hand, developing countries are the chief victims of regional conflicts and the financial crisis. At present, world economic recovery is still feeble, with frequent large flows of hot money, insufficient financing for development and rampant protectionism, making the external environment for developing countries even more complex. The developed countries, by pursuing "reindustrialization", introducing a new technological revolution, promoting FTA and strengthening rule-making in their favor, has put greater pressure on the developing countries to slide even farther.
总体上看,发展中国家机遇大于挑战,关键的是增强机遇意识和忧患意识,坚持经济优先、发展优先、民生优先,通过改革开放、科技进步和联合自强来化解挑战,把握机遇。 But on the whole, for the developing countries, opportunities outweigh challenges, if they have a keen sense of opportunities and potential dangers, give top priority to the economy, development and people's wellbeing, and take on challenges with reform, opening-up, technological progress and collective self-reliance.
有人问,77国集团还能不能再现辉煌? Some asked: Can the G77 regain its past glory?
当然能!上世纪七、八十年代,发展中国家的经济实力和政治地位远不如今天,但77国集团迎难而进,团结一心,推动联大通过《关于建立国际经济新秩序的宣言》等重要决议,支持联合国创建一系列重要机制和方案,旗帜鲜明地维护了自身利益和国际正义,让世人认识到77国集团的能量,让发展中国家认识到“团结就是力量”。 Of course it can! Back in the 1970s and 1980s, conditions of the developing countries were far less desirable both economically and politically. But the G77 rallied closely together, courageously pushed the UN General Assembly to adopt the Declaration on Building a New International Economic Order and other important resolutions, supported the creation of a host of important UN mechanisms and programs and stood up in defense of their own interests and international justice. The world was able to see the power of the G77 and the developing countries also realized that "strength comes from unity".
今年发展中国家的人口占世界82%,GDP占世界的近一半,贸易和对外投资分别占世界的近50%和31%。世界500强企业中,发展中国家企业有1⒛ 家。二十国集团中,新兴市场国家占了8席。发展中国家的力量和影响今非昔比,正在成为世界事务的平等参与者和国际体系的积极建设者。 Today, the developing world accounts for 82% of the world's population, nearly half of the world's GDP, around 50% of international trade and 31% of global FDI. Of the World Top 500 companies, 120 are from the developing countries. Inside the G20, eight are emerging market countries. The strength and influence of developing countries are no longer what they used to be. We are participating in world affairs on an equal footing and working actively to build international systems.
发展中国家之间有这样那样的问题,但共同利益是第一位的;发展中国家内部有这样那样的分类,但发展中国家的定位是第一位的;南北国家可以也应该建立各种类型的合作伙伴关系,但不能因此回避甚至否认“共同但有区别的责任”。 There might be problems of one kind or another between or among the developing countries, but what comes first is our common interests. There might be subdivisions of one kind or another within the developing world, but what comes first is that we are all developing countries. There can and should be various types of partnerships between the North and South countries, but this gives no ground to evade or even deny the "common but differentiated responsibilities".
面对南北关系的新形势,发展中国家要警惕被人家挑拨离间和分而治之,要避免各自为战、相互拆台,需要强化团结协作的意识,坚持求同存异、互助互惠,努力以一个声音说话,通过加强77国集团加中国这一机制放大自已的声音、维护自身的利益。 In the face of the new situation in North-South relations, the developing countries should be on guard against any attempt of sowing discord and dividing in order to rule. We must avoid the situation in which each fights the war on its own, still less undermine each other's positions. We must cultivate a keen sense of unity and coordination, seek common ground while reserving differences, come to each other's support readily, try to speak with one voice and better defend our interests through a more vocal and further strengthened G77+China mechanism.
有人问,中国还是发展中国家吗? Some people asked: Is China still a developing country?
当然是。改革开放以来,中国经济快速发展,出口额位居世界第一,GDP晋升世界第二,但要看到,中国的人均国民收入在世界上只排在90位左右,在联合国开发计划署公布的人类发展指数排名中仅列第101位。中国还处在社会主义初级阶段,现在和在可预见的将来有上亿贫困人口,城乡和区域发展很不均衡,毫无疑问中国仍然是发展中国家。 Of course. Since the start of the reform and opening-up program, China has enjoyed a rapid economic growth. It is the biggest exporter and has the world's second largest GDP. We should also see, however, that its per capita income ranks around the 90th place in the world and China ranks only the 101st place by the Human Development Index of UNDP. China is still in the primary stage of socialism with the number of poor totaling over 100 million now and in the foreseeable future as well. There is sill a considerable development gap between urban and rural areas and among different regions. Therefore, China is undoubtedly still a developing country.
我想强调,即使将来中国富裕和强大了,仍然是发展中国家的坚定一员,因为中国与发展中国家有相似的历史遭遇、共同的发展任务和不断扩大的战略利益。 I wish to stress here that even when China becomes stronger and more prosperous, it will remain a staunch member of the developing world because China and fellow developing countries have similar past, common development task and ever-expanding shared strategic interests.
发展中国家始终是中国外交的基础。我们将继续加强同广大发展中国家的合作,在联合国、G20、APEC等场合坚定维护发展中国家正当权益,为发展中国家仗义执言。支持扩大发展中国家在国际事务中的代表性和发言权,永远做发展中国家的可靠朋友和真诚伙伴。 The developing countries are always the basis of China's diplomacy. We will continue to enhance our cooperation with the other developing countries, firmly uphold the legitimate rights and interests of the developing countries at the UN, G20, APEC and other platforms, speak for the developing countries, and support greater representation and say of the developing countries in international affairs. China will forever be a reliable friend and sincere partner of the developing countries.
有人问,中国今后将与77国集团如何合作 Some asked: How will China conduct its cooperation with the G77?
中国国家主席习近平在访问非洲时提出四个字:“真”、“实”、“亲”、“诚”,这四个字同样适用于我们与77国集团和所有发展中国家的关系。对待发展中国家朋友,我们真心实意,平等相待,不干涉别国内政。我们致力把自身发展同对方的发展紧密联系起来,提供力所能及的帮助和支持,作出的承诺就一定不折不扣地落到实处。我们与发展中国家有天然的亲近感,在此基础上不断加强人民之间的交流,厚植友好合作的社会基础。我们坦诚面对中国与发展中国家关系面临的新情况和新问题,主张本着相互尊重、合作共赢的精神,妥善解决问题。 During his visit to Africa, Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized four words, namely, "sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith" that characterized China's relations with Africa. They, in my view, may also apply to our relations with the G77 and all the other developing countries. As for friends from developing countries, we treat them as our equals with sincerity and never interfere in their internal affairs. We seek to link our own development closely with the development of other developing countries and provide them with assistance and support to the best of our ability. Whenever we make a commitment, we always make sure that it is fully implemented to the letter. We share a natural affinity with the developing countries and, on that basis, work to step up people-to-people exchanges for broad social support from two sides. As for new developments and new problems in China's relations with developing countries, we look at them squarely and deal with them appropriately in the spirit of mutual respect and win-win cooperation.
The medical teams sent overseas by China are a fine example of South-South cooperation. China dispatched its first medical team to Algeria in 1963, and has since sent 23,000 medical workers to 66 countries and regions, providing medical service to an accumulated number of 270 million people. As we speak, more than 1,100 Chinese medical workers are half a world away from home and loved ones for the noble cause of healing and saving lives.

What is more, the Chinese medical teams are a vivid example of how we Chinese treat morality and interests. In our relations with the friends from developing countries, morality always comes before interests and interests are pursued only in the right way. We stand for common development and mutual benefit and will never do things for selfish interests or follow a beggar-thy-neighbor approach.

There is a need for China and G77 members to learn from each other's experience in governance, strengthen their exchanges on development ideas and policies and promote their strategic cooperation in industrialization, urbanization, IT application and agricultural modernization.

There is a need for us to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in infrastructure, connectivity, energy and resources and jointly tackle the spill-over effect of monetary policy adjustments by certain developed countries.

有必要加强在联合国框架内的协调,推动将发展问题置于国际议程的突出位置,在2015年后发展议程中发挥集团影响力。在联合国改革、重大突发事件处理、国际规则制定等方面加强沟通、协同行动。 There is a need for us to enhance our coordination within the UN framework, work to put development high on the international agenda and exert a greater influence of the G77 in the post 2015 development agenda. We must scale up our communication and concerted efforts on such issues as UN reform, the handling of major emergencies and making of international rules.
主席先生, Mr. President,
中国俗话讲,“众人拾柴火焰高”。中国重视77国集团,珍视“77国集团加中国”机制,愿与大家风雨同舟,共同进步! As a Chinese saying goes, the fire burns high when every one brings wood to it. China values the G77 and the G77+China mechanism. We are ready to work with all of you through thick and thin so as to bring greater progress in our cause.
谢谢大家。 Thank you.


来源:中国网 日期:2013年9月30日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 1235



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