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作者:admin  发表时间:2019-5-21

六、环境保护与生态文明建设 VI. Environmental Protection and Ecological Improvement
西藏是中国重要的生态安全屏障。多年来,中央政府和西藏自治区政府坚持科学发展,统筹经济社会发展与环境保护,把环境保护与生态建设作为现代化建设的一项重要内容,大力提倡生态文明,建设美丽西藏。目前,西藏是世界上环境质量最好的地区之一,大部分区域仍处于原生状态。 Tibet serves as an important ecological safety barrier in China. Over the past few decades the central and regional governments have upheld scientific development, struck a balance between socio-economic development and environmental protection, and given priority to ecological conservation and environmental protection in China's modernization drive. Vigorous efforts are being made to promote local ecological progress and build a beautiful Tibet. Being one of the areas with the best environmental quality in the world, most parts of the region have maintained their original natural states.
西藏高原的环境与生态受自然气候变化影响 Ecological environment of the Tibet Plateau influenced by climate change
科学研究表明,过去100年,全球气候进入变暖期。由于西藏高原的特殊海拔高度,其所经历的气候变暖过程比周围地区更为强烈。1961年至2007年,西藏高原的平均增温幅度每10年超过了0.3℃,是全球平均增温幅度的2倍。随着气候变暖,冰川呈现加速退缩趋势,过去30年来整个青藏高原冰川面积年均减少约131平方公里;高原多年冻土呈现区域性退化,表现为季节冻结深度减小,融化深度增大。 Scientific research findings show that the earth has entered a warming period over the past century. Due to its unique altitude, the Tibet Plateau has been influenced more strongly than surrounding areas by global warming. From 1961 to 2007 the Tibet Plateau registered an average temperature increase of over 0.3 degrees C every ten years, doubling the global average. Global warming has accelerated the retreat of glaciers. Over the past 30 years, the area of glaciers has decreased by 131 sq km annually on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the permafrost has experienced patches of degradation, manifested by reduction of the seasonal frozen depth and rising thaw depth.
在气候变暖影响下,西藏高原生态系统发生了显著的变化。自20世纪80年代至今,西藏高原植被的返青期提前、枯黄期推迟,生长季平均延长约10天。植被盖度呈总体微弱上升态势,净初级生产力增加了约11%。由于净初级生产力的显著增加,高寒生态系统碳汇呈增加态势。1980年至2002年,西藏高寒生态系统形成平均每年2300万吨的净碳汇,约占中国陆地植被碳汇增加量的13%,其中高寒草地生态系统形成平均每年1760万吨的碳汇,西藏高原植被生态系统已成为中国重要碳汇地区之一。目前,西藏植被总体变好,但存在区域差异。在降水减少的南部地区生态系统退化,在降水增加的北部地区生态系统改善。随着国家大型生态工程及其生态补偿政策的实施,人类活动强烈影响区的生态退化得到了有效遏制,高原生态安全屏障功能也得到了进一步增强。 In the wake of global warming, remarkable changes have taken place in the ecosystem of the Tibet Plateau. Since the 1980s the vegetation has witnessed early greening, late withering and an average increase of ten days in the growing season. The vegetation coverage has been slightly raised overall, and the NPP (net primary productivity) has grown by around 11 percent. The NPP's remarkable growth has led to an increasing carbon sink in the alpine ecosystem. From 1980 to 2002 Tibet's alpine ecosystem created an average annual net carbon sink of 23 million tons, accounting for 13 percent of the total increased carbon sinks of all the earth's vegetation in China, of which 17.6 million tons was produced by alpine grassland ecosystems every year. The vegetation ecosystem of the Tibet Plateau acts as one of China's important areas for carbon sinks. At present, Tibet's vegetation is improving as a whole. However, there are differences between different regions. The ecosystem is degrading in the southern areas with reduced rainfall, while it is improving in the northern areas with increased rainfall. Following the implementation of large national ecological projects and eco-compensation policies, Tibet has effectively curbed ecological degradation in areas intensely influenced by human activities, and further enhanced its function as an ecological safety barrier.
加强生态环境保护与建设的立法和规划 Strengthening legislation and planning for ecological conservation and environmental protection
多年来,在国家的环境保护和生态文明建设总体框架内,西藏始终处于重要位置。国务院在1998年和2000年制定的《全国生态环境建设规划》和《全国生态环境保护纲要》中,将青藏高原冻融区作为全国八大生态建设区之一,进行专门规划,提出明确的建设任务和建设原则。2010年,国务院发布的《全国主体功能区规划》中,25个国家重点生态功能区有2个位于西藏,分别为“藏东南高原边缘森林生态功能区”和“藏西北羌塘高原荒漠生态功能区”,面积分别为97750平方公里和494381平方公里,总面积接近西藏的二分之一。2009年,国务院通过《西藏生态安全屏障保护与建设规划(2008-2030年)》,争取到2030年基本建成西藏生态安全屏障,生态安全保障作用得到充分发挥。西藏自治区编制实施了《生态环境建设规划》、《水土保持规划》、《农牧区环境综合整治规划》、《城镇饮用水水源地环境保护规划》、《重金属污染综合防治“十二五”规划》、《“一江四河”流域污染防治规划》、《生态功能区划》等一系列生态环境保护与建设规划,对西藏的生态环境保护与建设进行全面规划和部署。同时,还开展了生态环境现状调查、生态功能区划、土壤污染状况调查、生态补偿研究、自然保护区基础调查、生态环境十年变化(2000-2010年)遥感调查与评估等生态环境保护基础性工作,为环境保护与生态文明建设工作的开展提供科学依据。 Over the past few decades Tibet has remained the focus within the country's general framework of environmental protection and ecological conservation. In the National Plan for Eco-environmental Improvement and the National Program for Eco-environmental Protection formulated by the State Council in 1998 and 2000, respectively, a separate plan has been drawn up to make the freeze-thawing zone on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau one of the country's eight major areas for ecological improvement, complete with a number of explicit tasks and principles for work in this regard. According to the National Plan for Major Function-oriented Zones issued by the State Council in 2010, two of the 25 national key eco-function zones are located in Tibet, i.e., "forest zone on the edge of the plateau in southeast Tibet" and "desert zone on the Changtang Plateau in northwest Tibet." Covering areas of 97,750 sq km and 494,381 sq km, respectively, they account for nearly half of Tibet' s total area. In 2009 the State Council approved the Plan for Ecology Safety Barrier Protection and Construction in Tibet (2008-2030), aiming to basically complete the building of an ecology safety barrier by 2030 and give full play to its function. The Tibet Autonomous Region has drawn up and implemented a series of plans covering eco-environmental protection and construction, including the Eco-environmental Improvement Plan, Plan for Conservation of Water and Topsoil, Comprehensive Improvement Plan for the Environment in Farming and Pastoral Areas, Plan for Environmental Protection of Drinking Water Sources in Urban Areas, 12th Five-Year Plan for Comprehensive Prevention and Treatment of Heavy Metal Pollution, Plan for Pollution Control on the Upper Reaches of the "Five Rivers" (the Yarlung Zangbo, Lhasa, Nyangqu, Nyakchu and Nyang rivers), and Ecological Function Zoning. Meanwhile, Tibet is actively carrying out fundamental work in this field, including investigation of the status quo of the ecological environment, ecological function zoning, soil pollution investigation, ecological compensation research, basic survey of nature reserves, and investigation by remote sensing of eco-environmental changes during the period 2000-2010 and relevant evaluation, so as to provide a scientific basis for environmental protection and ecological conservation.
西藏的环境保护与生态文明建设事业在法制化的轨道上不断发展,形成了比较系统的地方性环境保护法规体系。西藏自治区人民代表大会、自治区人民政府及政府有关部门颁布实施了《西藏自治区环境保护条例》、《西藏自治区实施〈中华人民共和国草原法〉细则》、《西藏自治区实施〈中华人民共和国野生动物保护法〉办法》以及《西藏自治区人民政府实施〈国务院关于落实科学发展观加强环境保护的决定〉的意见》等一系列关于环境保护和生态文明建设方面的地方性法规、规章以及规范性文件。 Tibet's work in the field of ecological improvement and environmental protection is progressing steadily and in a law-governed manner. A relatively comprehensive legal system ensuring environmental protection has taken shape. The people's congress and people's government of the Tibet Autonomous Region have promulgated relevant local laws, regulations and administrative decrees, including the Regulations for Environmental Protection in the Tibet Autonomous Region, Rules for the Implementation in the Tibet Autonomous Region of the Grassland Law of the People's Republic of China, Measures for the Implementation in the Tibet Autonomous Region of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife, and Opinions of the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region on the Implementation of the Decision of the State Council on Implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development and Strengthening Environmental Protection.
生态文明建设成效明显 Remarkable progress in ecological improvement
生物多样性与重要生态区得到有效保护。西藏共建立各类自然保护区47个,其中,国家级9个、自治区级14个、地县级24个。保护区面积达到41.37万平方公里,占全区国土面积的33.9%,居全国之首。西藏125种国家重点保护野生动物、39种国家重点保护野生植物在已建的自然保护区中得到了较好的保护。比如,国际动物研究界认为早已灭绝的西藏马鹿,20世纪90年代被重新发现,种群还在不断扩大。藏羚羊种群数逐年增加,目前已达15万只左右。黑颈鹤数量为7000只左右。西藏建立了22个生态功能保护区(国家级1个)、8个国家森林公园、3个国家湿地公园、4个地质公园(国家级2个)、3个国家级风景名胜区。美国前总统卡特在为《走进西藏:生物多样性与保护事业》一书所写的序言中这样评价西藏的环境保护事业:“在过去的20年中,世界上还有哪个地方可以将40%的面积划出用于自然保护?要扭转一个濒危物种不断减少的数量又谈何容易?然而勤劳的西藏人做到了。” Tibet has effectively protected its biodiversity and significant eco-function zones. A total of 47 nature reserves at various levels have been established in Tibet, including nine national-level ones, 14 at the autonomous region level and 24 at the prefecture or county level. Nature reserves cover a total area of 413,700 sq km, accounting for 33.9 percent of the total land area of the region and leading all the other areas of China. All the region's 125 types of wild animals and 39 wild plants under state key protection are well preserved in the established nature reserves. For instance, red deer, generally considered by the international animal research community to have been extinct, was discovered again in Tibet in the 1990s, and their numbers are increasing. The number of Tibetan antelopes is growing year by year to reach 150,000 so far. There are about 7,000 black-necked cranes in the region. Tibet is home to 22 ecological conservation areas (one at national level), eight national forest parks, three national wetland parks, four geological parks (two at national level), and three national scenic areas. In the preface written by Jimmy Carter, former president of the United States, to the book Across the Tibetan Plateau: Ecosystems, Wildlife, and Conservation, he appraised the biological diversity protection work of Tibet, saying it was not easy to increase the population of an endangered species but the industrious Tibetan people did it.
林业和草原生态建设成效显著。严格控制森林的采伐规模。江达、贡觉、芒康3县实施总面积达3.1万平方公里的天然林保护工程,全面停止了天然林商品性采伐。实施全区重点区域生态公益林建设工程,建立了曲水、扎囊、日喀则、狮泉河等治沙试验示范区。在风沙危害和水土流失严重的金沙江、澜沧江、怒江上游及雅鲁藏布江流域的28个县实施退耕还林工程,全区已完成造林面积8.37万公顷,封山育林面积33.87万公顷,退耕还林以每年1.92万公顷的速度递增。西藏森林覆盖率已上升到目前的11.91%。合理利用和保护草原,确保草原生态良性发展。对天然草地开展围栏和水利建设,实施草场承包经营责任制。按照以草定畜的原则,划定轮牧期和禁牧区,建设人工草地,改良退化草地,实施退牧还草工程。截至2012年底,西藏有天然草地面积8511万公顷,其中,可利用天然草地面积6910万公顷。开展公益林补偿和草原生态保护奖励机制试点工作。 Forest and grassland ecological protection in the autonomous region has been crowned with signal success. Tibet strictly controls the scale of tree-felling. A project for the protection of natural forest resources, with a total area of 31,000 sq km, has been implemented in the three counties of Jomda, Gonjo and Markam, putting an end to the felling of natural forest resources for commercial purposes in these areas. In addition, Tibet has carried out a project for the planting of non-commercial forests in key areas, and set up demonstration zones of desertification control in Chushur and Chanang counties, Shigatse Prefecture and Shiquanhe Town. In 28 counties along the upper reaches of the Jinsha, Lancang and Nujiang rivers and the drainage area of the Yarlung Zangbo River, where the hazards of sandstorms and soil erosion are serious, a project to reforest cultivated land is being undertaken, in the course of which the afforested area has topped 83,700 ha, 338,700 ha of mountainous areas have been sealed off to facilitate afforestation, and every year an additional 19,200 ha of cultivated land is restored to forests. The forest coverage rate has now risen to 11.91 percent. Tibet rationally utilizes and protects grassland to ensure the sound development of the grassland ecology. Emphasis has been placed on fencing and building water-conservancy projects on natural grassland, and a pasture-responsibility system has been implemented. In line with the principle of limiting the number of grazing animals by the size of the pasture, rotation grazing periods and no-grazing areas have been designated. Energetic efforts have been made to promote man-made grassland, improve deteriorated pastureland and prohibit the grazing of animals in some areas so that the grassland can be restored. By the end of 2012 there was 85.11 million ha of natural grassland in total, of which 69.1 million ha was available for grazing. Tibet has initiated a compensation scheme for non-commercial forests and a rewarding mechanism for the protection of grassland.
水土保持与地质灾害防治不断加强。开展了水土保持监测网络建设。近年来,先后实施聂拉木县樟木镇滑坡治理、琼结县县城滑坡泥石流治理、林芝地区八一电厂二级电站后山滑坡泥石流灾害治理、拉萨市流沙河泥石流治理等地质灾害治理工程。 Tibet has also intensified its efforts in the areas of water and soil conservation, and prevention of geological disasters. It has launched the construction of a water- and soil-conservation monitoring network. In recent years, projects have been carried out to prevent disasters caused by landslides in Zham Town, Nyalam County, landslides and mud-rock flows in the county seat of Chongye, landslides threatening the Grade II power station of the Bayi Power Plant in Nyingchi Prefecture, and mud-rock flows into the Liusha River in Lhasa.
农村环境保护和生态创建工作进展顺利。从2010年开始在全区7地(市)、74县(市、区)的4761个行政村开展人居环境建设和农村环境综合整治工作。截至2012年底,已经安排2500个村实施了农村人居环境建设和环境综合整治试点项目。通过推广利用清洁能源,减少了天然植被的樵采,有效保护了农牧区的生态环境。实施了沼气、太阳能及小型风力发电等农村能源建设项目。完成21万户沼气池建设,推广太阳灶39.5万台,推广太阳能户用系统1万余套,太阳能集中供暖面积达到1万平方米。风光互补发电总装机容量达到220千瓦。 Environmental protection and ecological improvement work is progressing smoothly in the rural areas of the autonomous region. Since 2010 work covering improvement of the people's living environment and the ecological environment has been carried out at 4,761 administrative villages in seven prefectures (prefecture-level cities) and 74 counties (county-level cities and districts) in Tibet. By the end of 2012, pilot programs in this regard had been launched in 2,500 villages. Besides, Tibet actively popularizes the use of clean energy to reduce the destruction of natural vegetation and effectively protect the ecological environment in farming and pastoral areas. It conducts energy projects to promote the use of methane gas and solar energy, and small-scale wind power generation in rural areas. Methane-generating pits have been built in 210,000 households, and 395,000 solar cookers have been put into use. Over 10,000 sets of panels for solar photovoltaic systems have been installed in dwelling houses, and a solar heating central system now covers a total area of 10,000 sq m. The total installed capacity of wind-PV complementary power generation has reached 220 kw.
城镇饮用水安全保障工作扎实推进。完成了全区城镇饮用水水源地环境现状调查,建立饮用水水源地基础信息档案,设立饮用水水源地环境保护专项资金,实施水源地环境保护工程。 Steady efforts have been made to ensure the safety of drinking water in urban areas. Tibet has finished an investigation on drinking water sources for urban residents, and built a database on drinking water sources. It has set up a special fund for the protection of drinking water sources, and carried out a project to protect the environment of water sources.
全面开展生态西藏创建。西藏自治区政府提出了构建西藏生态安全屏障、建设生态西藏、美丽西藏的目标。拉萨市开展了国家环境保护模范城市创建工作,林芝地区开展了生态林芝建设,山南、那曲地区分别提出了建设“生态美好模范区”和“生态草原地区”的构想。拉萨、那曲、林芝、山南等四个地(市)先后在97个乡镇和221个行政村开展了自治区级生态乡镇和生态村创建工作。截至2012年底,已命名22个自治区级生态村。 Ecological improvement work is progressing in an all-round way in Tibet. The regional government has set the goals of constructing an ecology safety barrier, preserving the eco-environment, and building a beautiful Tibet. Lhasa is working hard to turn itself into a national model city in environmental protection, while Nyingchi Prefecture is making efforts to improve its ecological environment. The prefectures of Shannan and Nagqu have put forward plans for building an "ecological model area" and "eco-friendly grassland," respectively. Meanwhile, 97 towns and 221 administrative villages in Lhasa and the prefectures of Nagqu, Nyingchi and Shannan are engaged in building ecological towns and villages. By the end of 2012 there were 22 ecological villages at the autonomous region level.
西藏是当今世界最为清洁的区域之一 Tibet is one of the cleanest areas in the world.
当前,西藏高原是除南极和北极之外,地球上最洁净的环境本底区,大气环境干净透明,各类污染物质的含量与北极地区相当,污染物种类较少,浓度较低。西藏大气重金属元素含量接近于全球大气元素浓度的背景值,拉萨大气重金属含量也远低于人口聚集区和工业化地区。西藏非城市地区大气中PM2.5的年平均质量浓度为10微克/立方米,拉萨市大气中PM2.5的年平均质量浓度为14.58微克/立方米,远小于中国《环境空气质量标准》中35微克/立方米的规定,较人类活动密集区低十几倍。西藏全区主要江河湖泊水质状况保持良好,达到了我国规定的水体环境质量标准(GB3838-2002),其重金属含量处于世界河流-湖泊生态系统的背景水平,没有受到人类活动的污染。西藏土壤中重金属含量继承了其成土母质的特点,1979年到2009年的30年间土壤重金属含量没有发生明显的改变。 At present, the Tibet Plateau is the third-cleanest area in the world in terms of its environment, after the South and North poles. It has a clean and transparent atmospheric environment, and similar contents of pollutants to the North Pole. Tibet has few types and low concentrations of pollutants, compared to other places. Its atmospheric content of heavy metals is close to the background value of such elements in the global atmosphere. In addition, the atmospheric content of heavy metals in Lhasa is much lower than that in densely populated areas and industrialized regions. The average annual mass concentration of PM2.5 is 10micrograms/m³ in the non-metropolitan areas of Tibet, and 14.58 micrograms/m³ in Lhasa, much lower than 35micrograms/m³, the standard set by the country' s Ambient Air Quality Standard (AAQS), and less than one-tenth of those of the areas with intensive human activities. The major rivers and lakes in Tibet maintain fine water quality, meeting the national standard specified in the Surface Water Environment Quality Standard (GB3838-2002). The concentration of heavy metals is near the background level of global rivers and lakes ecosystem, indicating that they have not been polluted by human activities. The content of heavy metals in Tibet' s soil inherits the parent material, with no marked change during the 30 years from 1979 to 2009.


来源:中国网 日期:2013年10月22日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 871



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