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作者:admin  发表时间:2019-5-21

五、社会变迁与各项事业的发展 V. Social Changes and Development of All Undertakings
西藏的发展是全面的发展。伴随政治经济制度的变革,西藏社会也相应发生由传统向现代的整体性变迁,人民的受教育权利、就业权利、健康权利、社会保障权利得到进一步保障,各项事业呈现欣欣向荣的景象。 Tibet has achieved all-round development. With the changes in the political and economic systems, Tibet has made the transition from a traditional society to a modern one. Its people's rights to education, employment, health and social security have been further protected, and all social undertakings are thriving.
科学教育事业迅猛发展 Science and education have achieved rapid development.
在旧西藏,除藏医、天文历算外,现代意义上的科研机构和科研人员处于空白。目前,西藏拥有国有独立科研机构33所,民营科研机构10所,自治区、地(市)、县(市、区)三级农牧业科研和技术推广机构184个,国家级和自治区级农业科技园区、重点实验室29个,国家级高新技术企业27家,自治区级科技型中小企业46家,国家级创新型企业和企业技术中心5家。目前,西藏有专业技术人员56264人,其中,少数民族43552人,占总数的77.41%;高级专业技术人员2870人(包括1名中国工程院院士、244名享受政府特殊津贴专家、16名有突出贡献中青年专家、3名国家杰出专业技术人才),中级专业技术人员13869人,初级专业技术人员36216人。他们在农牧业生产、工业生产、藏药产业、新能源、旅游业、文化创意、民族手工业等领域的科技创新和成果转化方面发挥了积极作用。2012年,科技对经济增长的贡献率达到35%,对农牧业增长的贡献率达到42%,科学技术普及率达到85%。 Before its peaceful liberation in 1951, Tibet had no scientific research institutes or staff in the modern sense except in the areas of Tibetan medicine, astronomy and the calendar. Now, Tibet has 33 state-owned independent scientific research institutes, ten private scientific research institutes, and 184 agricultural and animal husbandry science and technology promotion organizations at the autonomous region, prefectural (municipal), and county (district)levels; 29 agricultural science and technology parks and key laboratories at the national and autonomous region levels; 27 state-level new and high-tech enterprises and 46 autonomous-region-level small and medium-sized sci-tech enterprises, and five state-level innovative enterprises and corporate technology centers. Currently, Tibet has 56,264 technical professionals, of whom 43,552 are from ethnic-minority groups, accounting for 77.41 percent; 2,870 senior technical professionals (including one member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 244 experts enjoying special government allowances, 16 young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions and three national outstanding technical professionals), 13,869 intermediate technical professionals and 36,216 junior technical professionals. All these people play an active role in scientific innovation and application in agriculture, animal husbandry, industry, Tibetan medicine, new energy, tourism, cultural creativity, ethnic handicrafts and other fields. In 2012 the contribution rate of science to economic growth reached 35 percent, to agricultural and animal husbandry growth 42 percent, and the popularization rate of science and technology 85 percent.
在旧西藏,接受教育的绝大多数是贵族子弟,占总人口95%的农奴和奴隶没有受教育的权利,青壮年文盲率高达95%。现在,西藏已建立起一个涵盖学前教育、基础教育、职业教育、高等教育、成人教育、特殊教育等完整的现代教育体系。从1985年开始,实施对接受义务教育阶段教育的农牧民子女包吃、包住、包学习费用的“三包”政策,先后12次提高补助标准,惠及51.04万人。2007年,在全国率先实现9年免费义务教育,2012年又在全国率先实现15年免费教育(学前教育3年、小学6年、初中3年、高中3年)。截至2012年底,全区有小学在校生292016人,小学适龄儿童入学率达到99.4%;初级中学在校生130266人,初中入学率达到98.6%;普通高级中学在校生47825人,中等职业学校在校生18291人,高中阶段入学率达70.2%;在校本专科生33452人、研究生1079人,高等教育毛入学率达到27.4%。全国20个省、直辖市的26所学校开办内地西藏初、高中班(校),有60所重点高中招收户籍为西藏的学生,48所国家级示范中等职业技术学校、170所高等学校招收西藏班学生,累计招收初中生42040人,高中(中专)生47492人,高校本专科生16100人。目前,内地西藏班(校)在校生总数42460人。扫盲人口覆盖率达到100%,青壮年文盲率下降到0.8%,15周岁以上人口人均受教育年限达到8.1年。 Before the peaceful liberation of Tibet, the educated were mostly aristocrats, while serfs and slaves, accounting for 95 percent of the total population of Tibet, had no right to education at all, and the illiteracy rate among young and middle-aged people was 95 percent. Now, Tibet has established a modern education system covering pre-school education, basic education, vocational education, higher education, adult education and special education. Since 1985 China has covered all tuition, food and boarding expenses for students from farmers and herdsmen's families in the stage of compulsory education, raised the subsidy standard 12 times and benefited 510,400 people. In 2007 Tibet became the first place in China to enjoy free nine-year compulsory education, and in 2012 the first place in China to enjoy 15-year free education (three-year preschool, six-year primary school, three-year junior middle school and three-year senior middle school). By the end of 2012 Tibet had 292,016 primary school students, with an enrollment rate of 99.4 percent among school-age children; 130,266 junior middle school students, with an enrollment rate of 98.6 percent; 47,825 regular senior middle school students and 18,291 secondary vocational school students, the senior middle school enrollment rate reaching 70.2 percent. In addition, there were 33,452 undergraduate students and 1,079 postgraduate students, the higher education gross enrollment rate reaching 27.4 percent. In China 26 senior and junior middle schools in 20 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government have classes specially for Tibetan students; 60 key senior middle schools enroll students with registered permanent residence in Tibet; 48 state-level demonstration secondary vocational technical schools and 170 institutions of higher learning enroll students from the Tibetan classes. These schools and universities have accumulatively enrolled 42,040 junior middle school students, 47,492 senior middle school students (secondary vocational school students), and 16,100 undergraduate students. Currently, inland Tibetan classes have 42,460 students. The campaign to get rid of illiteracy has reached all population in Tibet, the illiteracy rate among young and middle-aged people has decreased to 0.8 percent, and the average length of education for people above the age of 15 has reached 8.1 years.
公民的劳动和工作权利得到保障 Citizens' right to employment is protected.
民主改革以来,西藏各行各业不断兴起,就业领域不断扩大,对劳动者的知识技能要求也不断提高。政府部门通过加强免费职业技能培训、打造劳务品牌、提高转移就业的组织化程度、优化进城务工环境等方式,大力促进农牧民就近就地就业。通过开发公益性岗位,开展“送政策、送岗位、送技能、送服务”等就业援助方式,妥善解决“零就业”家庭、残疾人等各类就业困难群体的就业。近年来,公益性岗位共安置各类就业困难人员19867人,动态消除了零就业家庭。积极为城乡劳动者和用人单位搭建双向交流选择平台。2012年,农牧区劳动力转移就业突破45万人。2012年,14153名高校毕业生实现了就业,高校毕业生就业率达到98.36%。通过设立最低工资标准、加大劳动合同和集体合同制度推行力度、推进劳动监察和调解仲裁、完善劳资纠纷案件预防和处置机制,多举措维护劳动者合法权益。2012年,西藏城镇新增就业2.5万人,城镇登记失业率控制在2.6%以内,社会就业较为充分。 Since the democratic reform in Tibet in 1959, all trades in Tibet have thrived, areas of employment have expanded and the requirement for employees' knowledge and skills raised. The government vigorously encourages farmers and herdsmen to seek employment locally by promoting free vocational training, building labor service brands, and improving the mechanism for organized transfer employment and providing better employment environment for migrant workers. The government helps "zero-employment" families, the disabled and other groups with employment difficulties to find jobs by increasing public welfare positions, "enacting policies and providing jobs, skill training, employment services" and other employment assistance. In recent years the government has provided public welfare positions for 19,867 people with employment difficulties, thereby eliminating the number of "zero-employment" families. The government has actively built a two-way selection platform for urban and rural employers and workers. In 2012 new jobs in other fields were found for 450,000 farmers and herdsmen. At the same time 14,153 higher-education graduates were employed, with an employment rate of 98.36 percent. To protect the lawful rights and interests of the workers, the government has set a standard for minimum wages, promoted the adoption of labor contract and collective bargaining, enhanced labor supervision, mediation and arbitration, and improved the mechanism of preventing and handling labor-management dispute cases. In 2012 Tibet' s newly increased urban employment totaled 25,000, and the registered urban unemployment rate was below 2.6 percent.
人民健康水平不断提高 The people's health has increasingly improved.
在旧西藏,仅拉萨、日喀则有规模很小的少数官办藏医机构、私人诊所和民间藏医。目前,已建立以拉萨为中心,遍布全区城乡的藏医、西医、中医相结合的公共医疗卫生服务体系,实现了“一村一卫生室”的目标。2012年,西藏有各级各类医疗卫生机构6660个,床位8352张;卫生人员21558人,其中卫生技术人员达9336人。医疗机构诊疗和住院人次分别达到1012万人次和14.55万人次。以免费医疗为基础的农牧区医疗制度覆盖全区农牧民。农牧民免费医疗经费补助标准,从1993年的年人均5.5元提高到2012年的年人均300元。西藏自治区政府安排专项资金2300万元,建立了农牧民群众大病补充医疗保险。在全国率先实现城乡居民免费健康体检,经费补助标准逐步提高,目前为年人均300元。2012年,对1032名先心病儿童实行免费救治。目前,西藏建立起了81个预防控制机构,在全区实施免疫规划,不断完善疫情报告和监测体系,基本遏制住了鼠疫、结核病、麻风病、大骨节病、碘缺乏病,麻疹、白喉、百日咳、破伤风、脊髓灰质炎等传染病发病率大幅度下降。碘盐覆盖率达96.59%,基本消除了碘缺乏病。2012年,西藏实施1000个行政村农牧民体育健身工程。加强城市综合体育健身功能区、城镇综合性健身体育场馆建设,确保农牧区有健身场地和器材。推进科学健身工程,加强基层体育组织、社区体育俱乐部、全民健身站点等服务网络建设,增强百姓的健康水平,提高生活品质。西藏一直实行宽松的生育政策,对占总人口80%以上的农牧民不限制生育数量。政府倡导晚婚晚育、优生优育、科学文明的婚姻生活。 Before the peaceful liberation of Tibet, only Lhasa and Shigatse had government-run Tibetan medical institutions, private clinics and Tibetan doctors, which were small in both number and operating size. Now Tibet has a public medical and health service system combining Tibetan medicine, Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine that covers all urban and rural areas of the autonomous region with Lhasa as the center, thereby realizing the objective of "one clinic for one village." In 2012 Tibet had 6,660 medical and health institutions, 8,352 hospital beds and 21,558 health workers (including 9,336 health technicians). The medical institutions provided treatment on 10.12 million occasions and accommodated patients in hospitals on 145,500 occasions. Free medical services are now available to all the farmers and herdsmen in the autonomous region. The subsidy for these medical services was raised from 5.5 yuan annually per person in 1993 to 300 yuan in 2012. The autonomous regional government allocated a special fund of 23 million yuan to set up a major disease supplementary health insurance for farmers and herdsmen. Tibet was the first in China to provide free physical examinations for urban and rural residents, and the subsidy has been raised to 300 yuan annually per capita. In 2012 Tibet provided free medical treatment to 1,032 children with congenital heart defects (CHD). Tibet has set up 81 disease prevention and control institutions; promoted an immunization program throughout the autonomous region; improved the epidemic disease reporting and monitoring system; basically contained plague, tuberculosis (TB), leprosy, Kashin-Beck disease (KBD) and iodine deficiency disorders (IDD); reduced the incidence of measles, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis and other infectious diseases by a large margin; and basically eliminated IDD, with an iodized salt coverage rate of 96.59 percent. In 2012 Tibet implemented a fitness program for farmers and herdsmen in 1,000 administrative villages; enhanced the construction of urban physical fitness zones and gymnasiums; ensured that agricultural and pastoral areas have fitness sites and equipment; promoted a scientific fitness program; and enhanced the building of community-level sports organizations, community sports clubs and nationwide fitness centers to improve the people's health and quality of life. Tibet has been implementing a flexible birth-control policy, which exempts the farmers and herdsmen, who account for over 80 percent of Tibet's total population, from the limit set on the number of children one couple could have. The government encourages late marriage and postponed childbearing, healthy pregnancy and scientific nurture, and healthy and civilized marriage lives.
在旧西藏,由于经济落后、新生儿成活率低、医疗条件差、僧尼人口比重大等因素,人口增长长期处在停滞状态。和平解放以来,西藏人口由1951年的114.09万人增长到2010年的300.2万人,其中,藏族人口271.6万人,占总人口的90%以上;其他少数民族人口4万多人,占总人口的1.3%;汉族人口24.5万人,占总人口的8%。2012年,西藏人口达到308万人。西藏人均寿命从1951年的35.5岁提高到现在的68.17岁,孕产妇死亡率和婴儿死亡率均大幅下降,人民的健康水平大幅提升。 Before the peaceful liberation, Tibet's population remained stagnant for a long period of time because of economic backwardness, low survival rate of newborns, poor medical conditions and a large proportion of monks and nuns in the total population. But since the peaceful liberation, Tibet's population increased from 1.1409 million in 1951 to 3.002 million in 2010, of which 2.716 million were Tibetans, accounting for more than 90 percent of the total; over 40,000 were from other ethnic-minority groups, accounting for 1.3 percent; and 245,000 were Han people, accounting for 8 percent. In 2012 Tibet's total population reached 3.08 million. The average life expectancy there has increased from 35.5 years in 1951 to 68.17 years now; the death rates of infants and women in childbirth have dropped greatly and the people' s health has been remarkably improved.
社会保障体系日益完善 Social security system increasingly improved.
近年来,西藏的社会保障体系日趋完善,老有所养、病有所医、困有所助成为现实。到2012年底,以基本养老保险、基本医疗保险和失业、工伤、生育保险为核心的覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系在西藏全面建立,全区各项社会保险参保总人数达到239.7万人次。2012年,兑现各项社会保险23.8亿元。西藏城乡最低生活保障覆盖对象不断增加,低保补助标准不断提高。2012年,西藏城镇居民有48047人享受政府最低生活保障,农村居民有32.9万人享受政府最低生活保障,补助标准分别为每人每月400元、每人每年1600元。五保(保吃、保穿、保医、保住、保葬)供养标准大幅提高,2013年达到每人2600元。城乡医疗救助累计救助困难群众近12万人(次),城乡医疗救助资金累计落实20575万元。城乡困难群众临时生活救助共救助6925户(次),支出临时救助资金776.2万元。资助特困学生6432人,发放资助金1676.9万元。截至2012年8月,累积向全区城乡394636名低保、五保、优抚对象发放价格临时补贴,共支出12606.9万元。关心关爱广大僧尼,将寺庙在编僧尼全部纳入社会保障体系,实现了医疗保险、养老保险和最低生活保障全覆盖。僧尼年满60周岁的按月领取养老金,标准为每月120元,尼姑年满60周岁、僧人年满65周岁的终身享受基本医疗保险。 In recent years Tibet's social security system has been increasingly improved, so that the sick can seek medical treatment, the elderly are cared for and the financially straitened can receive aid. By the end of 2012 Tibet had established a social security system consisting of basic old-age insurance, basic health insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance, and covering all urban and rural residents, with an insured population of 2.397 million. In 2012 Tibet covered all types of social insurance to the tune of 2.38 billion yuan. The basic living allowance coverage keeps expanding in urban and rural Tibet, and the amount of allowance granted has been raised several times. In 2012, 48,047 urban residents and 329,000 rural residents received basic living allowances from the government, with 400 yuan per person per month in cities and 1,600 yuan per person per year in the countryside. The yearly payment to those who enjoy the "five guarantees" (for food, clothing, medical care, housing and funeral expenses) has been raised significantly to 2,600 yuan per person per year in 2013. People with economic difficulties in urban and rural areas received medical aid on nearly 120,000 occasions, with total funds amounting to 205.75 million yuan. A total of 6,925 urban and rural households with economic difficulties received temporary relief funds totaling 7.762 million yuan. A total of 6,432 students with financial hardships were provided with 16.769 million yuan in assistance. By August 2012 a total of 394,636 urban and rural residents entitled to basic living allowance, the "five guarantees" and special social care received temporary price subsidies totaling 126.069 million yuan. Under the special care of the government, all the monks and nuns in Tibet have been included in the social security system and covered by health insurance, old-age insurance and basic living allowance. Monks and nuns above the age of 60 receive a 120 yuan monthly pension; nuns above the age of 60 and monks above the age of 65 enjoy permanent basic health insurance.


来源:中国网 日期:2013年10月22日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 969



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