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作者:admin  发表时间:2019-5-20

二、经济发展与民生改善 II. Economic Growth and Improvement of the People's Livelihood
发展经济是确保西藏各族人民的基本权利,特别是生存权和发展权的重要途径。西藏现代经济的建立和发展,为各项事业的发展奠定了坚实的物质基础。 Developing the economy is an important way to ensure the basic rights of all ethnic groups in Tibet, especially their rights to subsistence and development. The establishment of a modern economy in Tibet and its development has laid a solid material foundation for the progress of various undertakings in the region.
经济发展使人民生活水平不断提高 Economic growth constantly enhancing people's living standards
和平解放后,中央政府把帮助西藏发展经济、提高人民生活水平、改变贫穷落后面貌放在首位,制定了一系列特殊优惠政策,推动经济建设取得巨大成就。目前,西藏已初步建立起较为完善的社会主义市场经济,实现了经济总量的历史飞跃,并持续保持较快的经济发展势头。西藏地区生产总值由1951年的1.29亿元增加到2012年的701亿元,年均增长8.5%,人均生产总值达到2.29万元。1994年以来,西藏地区生产总值连续19年实现两位数以上增长,年均增速12.7%。 Following the peaceful liberation of Tibet, the Central Government has always given top priority to helping Tibet develop its economy, enhance its people's living standards, and change its impoverished and backward situation. It has issued a series of favorable policies, and made great achievements in promoting Tibet's economy. Currently a relatively complete socialist market system has been established in the region, and historical leapfrog development has been realized in terms of economic aggregate. Tibet's economy is growing steadily and quickly. The Gross Regional Product (GRP) of Tibet rocketed from 129 million yuan in 1951 to 70.1 billion yuan in 2012, representing an annual growth of 8.5 percent on average. The per capita GRP reached 22,900 yuan. Since 1994 Tibet has realized double-digit growth for 19 consecutive years, with an annual growth rate of 12.7 percent on average.
人民生活不断改善,生活质量不断提高。2012年,全区农牧民人均纯收入达到5719元,连续10年保持两位数以上的增长,城镇居民人均可支配收入达到18028元。2006年以来实施的以安居工程为突破口的社会主义新农村建设,惠及广大农牧民。截至2012年底,全区累计建成40.83万户安居房,占农牧民总户数的88.7%。2013年底前,所有农牧民将住进安全适用的房屋。2012年,西藏农牧民人均居住面积为28.77平方米,城镇居民人均居住面积为36.14平方米。水、电、路、讯、气、广播电视、邮政等农村综合配套设施建设逐步完善,乡镇通邮率、乡镇通公路率和行政村通公路率分别达到90%、99.7%、94.2%。累计解决193万农牧民的安全饮水问题,15万户农牧民用上了清洁的沼气能源,农牧区碘盐覆盖率达到95%以上。 Substantial improvements have been made in the people's lives and their living standards. The per capita net income of farmers and herdsmen in Tibet had maintained double-digit growth for 10 consecutive years, reaching 5,719 yuan in 2012. The per capita disposable income of urban dwellers was 18,028 yuan. The building of a new socialist countryside, initiated in 2006, has greatly benefited local farmers and herdsmen, especially through its low-income housing projects. By the end of 2012, a total of 408,300 low-income houses were built, providing housing to 88.7 percent of local households of farmers and herdsmen. All farmers and herdsmen will have moved into safe modern houses by the end of 2013. In 2012, the per capita floor space of farmers and herdsmen was 28.77 sq m, and that of urban dwellers 36.14 sq m. In rural areas, infrastructure has been improved to provide the necessary facilities for the local population, including water, power, transportation, telecommunication, natural gas, radio and television, and postal services. Some 90 percent and 99.7 percent of Tibetan townships now have access to postal service and road network, respectively, and 94.2 percent of administrative villages could be reached by road. A total of 1.93 million farmers and herdsmen now have access to safe drinking water, and 150,000 rural households are using clean biogas. In addition, over 95 percent of rural households use iodized salt.
随着人民生活逐步富裕,消费结构开始多样化,冰箱、彩电、电话、电脑、洗衣机、摩托车、手机等消费品进入了寻常百姓家。2012年,西藏城镇每百户居民中拥有汽车、摩托车分别为27辆和16辆,冰箱、彩电、电脑、洗衣机分别为86台、129台、63台、88台。在国家统计局、中国邮政集团公司和中央电视台联合举办的“CCTV经济生活大调查”中,拉萨市连续5年被评为中国幸福指数最高的城市。 As life improves, the people are beginning to have more choices in consumption. Refrigerators, color televisions, telephones, computers, washing machines, motorcycles, mobile phones and other consumer goods have entered ordinary households. In 2012, for every 100 urban households in Tibet there were 27 cars, 16 motorcycles, 86 refrigerators, 129 color TVs, 63 computers and 88 washing machines. According to the "CCTV Economic Life Survey" jointly hosted by the National Bureau of Statistics, China Post Group, and China Central Television (CCTV), Lhasa topped the "happiness index" for five consecutive years.
坚持绿色发展和可持续发展 Adhering to green and sustainable development
旧西藏只有农牧业和手工业,且处于十分落后的自然经济状态。经过西藏各族人民的不懈努力,已经建立起具有西藏特点的现代经济体系。西藏坚持以人为本的理念,重视绿色发展和可持续发展,严格限制高能耗、高污染、高排放行业发展,把经济社会发展与环境保护统一起来,切实保护西藏各族人民的长远利益。 The economy of old Tibet was supported by farming, animal husbandry and handicrafts, very close to a backward natural economy. With the strenuous efforts of the local people, Tibet has established a modern economic system with local characteristics. Putting the people's interests first and seeking green and sustainable development, Tibet has adopted rigorous measures to rein in energy-extensive, high-pollution and high-emission industries. Integrating socioeconomic progress and environmental protection, Tibet strives to safeguard the long-term interests of its people.
农牧业是西藏的传统产业,也是基础产业。多年来,西藏农牧区实行休养生息政策,通过下放生产经营自主权、免征农业税、增加投入、增加科技含量以及加快推进综合生产能力等措施,使农牧业实现了全面持续发展。近年来,粮食总产量保持在90万吨以上。积极打造高原特色农产品基地,第一产业增加值由1959年的1.28亿元增加到2012年的80.38亿元,年均增长4.7%。 Farming and animal husbandry are Tibet's traditional industries and also the supporting pillars of its economy. For decades such policies have been followed that allow the farmland and grassland to recuperate on a regular basis. And by delegating managerial authority to lower levels, cancelling the old agricultural tax, increasing capital and technical investment, and promoting comprehensive productivity, Tibet has realized balanced and sustainable development in farming and animal husbandry. The annual grain production in recent years stands above 900,000 tons. Tibet is vigorously developing agricultural products with local characteristics, and the added value of its primary industry increased from 128 million yuan in 1959 to 8.038 billion yuan in 2012, growing by 4.7 percent annually.
旧西藏没有现代工业。通过60多年的发展,西藏的现代工业从无到有,从小到大,逐步发展起来。如今,已建立起一个包括能源、轻工、纺织、机械、采矿、建材、化工、食品加工、民族手工业、藏医药等20多个门类的现代工业体系。工业总产值从1956年的0.014亿元增加到2012年的105.91亿元。特色优势产业不断发展壮大,第三产业发展迅速。2012年接待国内外游客1058.4万人次,其中境外游客19.49万人次,旅游总收入达到126.5亿元。2012年三次产业结构为11.5∶34.6∶53.9。 There was no modern industry in old Tibet, but after more than 60 years of development, modern industry has been established in Tibet from scratch, and it has grown considerably in size. Today Tibet has a modern industrial system comprising over 20 industries, including energy, light industry, textiles, machinery, mining, building materials, chemical industry, food processing, folk handicrafts and traditional Tibetan medicine. The total industrial output value skyrocketed from 1.4 million yuan in 1956 to 10.591 billion yuan in 2012. The major industries with local characteristics have been expanding in scale, and tertiary industry is also growing rapidly. In 2012, Tibet welcomed domestic and overseas tourists on 10.584 million occasions, including foreign visitors on 194,900 occasions. In the same year, the tourism industry in Tibet generated 12.65 billion yuan in revenue. The proportionate layout of Tibet's industrial structure in terms of primary, secondary and tertiary industries was 11.5 : 34.6 : 53.9.
现代化和城镇化不断提高人们的生活质量 Modernization and urbanization constantly improving people's lives
旧西藏没有一条现代意义上的公路,现在以公路、航空、铁路、管道运输建设为重点的综合交通运输体系逐步完善。2012年,西藏次高级以上路面里程达到8896公里,公路通车里程达到6.52万公里,基本实现县县通公路、乡乡通公路,其中62个县通油路。2006年,青藏铁路建成通车,结束了西藏不通铁路的历史。拉萨至日喀则铁路预计2014年建成通车。2011年,西藏第一条高速公路拉萨至贡嘎机场专用公路建成通车。截至2012年底,西藏已建成通航机场5个,9家航空公司在藏运营,开通国内航线34条,初步形成了以拉萨贡嘎机场为干线,以昌都邦达、林芝米林、阿里昆莎、日喀则和平机场为支线的机场布局。和平解放前,西藏仅有一座125千瓦、只供少数上层贵族享受的小电站,而今西藏电力发展迅速,以水电为主,地热、风能、太阳能等多能互补的新型能源体系全面建成。2012年,西藏电力装机总容量达到123万千瓦,用电人口覆盖率达到100%。拉萨市城市供暖试点工程开通运行,2012年底实现40%的供暖目标。旧西藏人背畜驮、驿站式传递的落后状态已彻底改变。目前,已经建成遍布全区的光缆、卫星和长途电话网,全区县以上基本实现3G通信技术全覆盖,基本实现乡乡通宽带、村村通电话。2012年,电话用户数达到276万户,普及率为91部/百人;互联网用户数达到147万户,普及率为33.3%。 In the old days Tibet had no roads in the modern sense, but today a comprehensive transportation system including road, aviation, railway, and pipeline transportation is being developed and improved. In 2012 Tibet had 8,896 km of roads with sub-high-grade surface or better, and the total length of road opened to traffic reached 65,200 km. Every county and township now has access to road transportation. Sixty-two counties are accessible by tarmac roads. In 2006 the Qinghai-Tibet Railway began operation, introducing railway transportation into Tibet for the first time in history. The construction of the railway line connecting Lhasa and Shigatse will be completed in 2014. In 2011 Tibet's first expressway opened to traffic, linking Lhasa and Gongga Airport. By the end of 2012 Tibet had five airports, and nine airlines had operations there. Now 34 domestic air routes link Tibet with other parts of China, with Gongga Airport (Lhasa) as the main terminal supplemented by Bamda Airport (Qamdo), Mainling Airport (Nyingchi), Gunsa Airport (Ngari), Heping Airport (Shigatse). Before the peaceful liberation of Tibet only one small power station, with a capacity of 125 kw, provided electricity to the small number of privileged aristocrats. Today's Tibet has a rapidly growing power industry. With hydraulic power as the main energy source, Tibet is also developing geothermal power, wind power, solar power and other new energies that complement each other. In 2012 the total installed generating capacity reached 1.23 million kw, and the coverage of power supply was 100 percent. In Lhasa, the city heating project started trial operation, providing heating to 40 percent of the city's households by the end of 2012. In old Tibet people used to carry goods by themselves or use pack animals, and mail was delivered by courier stations. This is now history. Currently a network of optical cable, satellite and long-distance telephone lines has been established in the region, and all places above county level are now covered by 3G signals. Every township has broadband connection and every village has telephone services. In 2012 the number of households using landline telephone reached 2.76 million, and there were 91 telephones for every 100 persons. The number of households with Internet connections users was 1.47 million, with a coverage rate of 33.3 percent.
城镇化使西藏各族人民更多分享现代文明发展带来的成果。和平解放前,西藏只有少量人口居住点,城镇只有拉萨、昌都、日喀则等少数地方,拉萨城区不足3平方公里。近年来,西藏坚持走集约、智能、绿色、低碳的新型城镇化道路,加快构建以拉萨市为中心,以地区所在地为支点,以县城、边境城镇、特色文化旅游城镇为网络的城镇体系,提高产业和人口集聚能力。2012年,西藏设有两个市和140个建制镇,城镇化率达22.75%。 Urbanization has brought the fruits of modern civilization to people living in Tibet. Prior to the peaceful liberation of Tibet, only a handful of places were inhabited by any concentration of people, and only Lhasa, Qamdo and Shigatse could be called towns. The area of the town proper of Lhasa then was less than three square kilometers. In recent years Tibet has been promoting intensive, intelligent, green and low-carbon urbanization, which is a new-type urban system that centers on Lhasa City and radiates to prefectures, counties, border towns and towns with cultural attractions, in an attempt to attract more industries and residents. By 2012 Tibet had two cities and 140 towns, with an urbanization rate of 22.75 percent.
对外开放加快了西藏的发展 The reform and opening-up drive has quickened Tibet's development.
改革开放30多年来,西藏通过深化改革和扩大开放积极推动全区商业、对外贸易和旅游产业加快发展,不仅增强了与内地的交流,同时也加强了与世界的联系和合作。1993年,西藏与全国一道开始建立“框架一致、体制衔接”的社会主义市场经济体制,深化物资、粮食、日用消费品等领域价格流通改革并全面进入市场。目前,西藏已经深深融入全国统一的市场体系,来自全国和世界各地的商品源源不断地进入西藏,丰富着城乡市场和百姓生活。西藏的名、优、特产品及民族手工业产品,大量进入全国市场。 Over the past 30 years or more, through reform and opening up, Tibet has been proactively promoting commerce, foreign trade and tourism. It has increased exchanges with other parts of China as well as communication and cooperation with foreign countries. In 1993 Tibet began to develop the socialist market economy with the rest of the country, developing into a new system within the same framework. Reforms have been carried out in the pricing and circulation of goods and materials, grains, and consumer goods, all of which have entered the market system. Currently Tibet is incorporated into the national market system. Commodities from all over the nation and across the world keep flowing into Tibet, enriching the urban and rural markets as well as the lives of the people. At the same time, well-known and quality products with local characteristics and folk handcrafts are transported to other parts of the country in large quantities.
西藏与世界的经济联系日益密切。2012年,全区进出口总额为34.24亿美元,是1953年0.04亿美元的850多倍,年均增长12.1%。截至2012年底,西藏实际利用外资4.7亿美元。西藏立足区位优势,加强与印度、尼泊尔等周边国家的友好合作,实施面向南亚的陆路贸易大通道建设,建设吉隆、樟木、亚东、普兰和日屋口岸,大力发展边境贸易。 Economically, Tibet is now more and more closely linked to the world. In 2012 the total volume of its foreign trade reached 3.424 billion U.S. dollars, more than 850 times that of 1953, which stood at 4 million U.S. dollars, with an annual growth rate of 12.1 percent. By the end of 2012 actualized foreign investment in Tibet was 470 million U.S. dollars. Taking advantage of its geographical position, Tibet is strengthening friendly cooperation with India, Nepal and other neighboring countries. To promote border trade, it is building a "commodity passageway" to South Asia via the land route, and has built trading centers in such port cities as Gyirong, Zhangmu, Yatung, Pulan and Riwu.


来源:中国网 日期:2013年10月22日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 1042



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