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作者:admin  发表时间:2019-5-17

人文交流是促进和平的积极要素,也是经济发展的促进因素。中欧人口之和超过全世界人口的四分之一,扩大双方人民的交往对增进共同了解、促进双方社会各领域交流至关重要。 People-to-people exchanges are an essential vector of peace, while contributing to economic development. Together China and the EU represent over a quarter of the world's population. Expanding contacts between peoples on both sides is crucial to enhance common understanding and foster cross-fertilisation between societies.
主要倡议: Key initiatives:
(一)文教和青年 I. Culture, education and youth
1. 充分发挥中欧高级别人文交流对话机制的统领作用,发挥人文交流作为中欧合作“第三支柱”的作用。努力实现《中欧高级别人文交流对话机制第一次会议联合宣言》的目标,落实《中欧高级别人文交流对话机制第一次会议后续行动文件》,探寻加强合作的新方式。 1. Fully harness the leading role of the China-EU High Level People-to-People Dialogue (HPPD) and promote the role of people-to-people exchanges as the third pillar of China-EU relations. Pursue the objectives set up in the China-EU HPPD Joint Declaration. Carry out the actions agreed in the "HPPD Follow-up Actions" document and seek new ways of strengthening their cooperation.
2. 根据2005年联合国教科文组织《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》,强化文化领域合作。提升文化政策对话水平,加强在文化产业、遗产保护和当代艺术等方面的合作。继续通过举办“中欧文化高峰论坛”等多种方式推动双方在思想领域的交流。 2. Anchor cultural cooperation on the principles of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Upgrade dialogue on culture policy, and strengthen mutual cooperation in the fields of cultural industries, heritage preservation and contemporary art. Continue to promote intellectual exchanges between the two sides in various forms and fora, including the China-EU High Level Cultural Forum.
3. 本着平等友好的原则,鼓励中国和欧盟成员国互设文化中心。推动双方大型文化机构、重要艺术节之间开展长期、稳定的合作。 3. Based on the principle of equality and friendship, encourage China and EU Member States to establish cultural centres. Boost long-term and stable cooperation between major cultural institutions and between important art festivals.
4. 鼓励汉语在欧盟和欧盟国家语言在华教学。 4. Encourage the learning of the Chinese language and EU languages in the education systems of the EU and China.
5. 加强中欧学生学者交流,支持青年互访交流。合作举办中欧青年政策对话、中欧青年组织发展论坛。继续实施中国支持的“中欧青年友好伙伴”项目和欧盟支持的“伊拉斯谟+”项目下的青年行动。 5. Expand students and scholars exchange, and support mutual exchange visits of young people. Work together on the China-EU Youth Policy Dialogue and the China-EU Symposia on Youth Work Development. Continue to implement the China-EU Youth Partnership for Friendship Programme supported by China, and the EU Youth Actions under Erasmus+.
6. 在中欧高等教育合作与交流平台框架下,继续进行中欧教育政策对话。通过“中欧调优联合研究项目”及其他合作,加强中欧教育体系兼容性。 6. Continue dialogue on education policy, notably in the framework of the Higher Education Platform for Cooperation and Exchanges, and strengthen the compatibility of China's and the EU's education systems, via "Tuning China" and other initiatives.
7. 继续支持中欧高校建立中国研究中心和欧洲区域与国别研究中心。 7. Continue to support the establishment of centres for Chinese studies and centres for European national and regional studies by European and Chinese institutions.
8. 推动中欧在新闻、出版、广播、影视等领域的交流与合作。 8. Promote exchanges and cooperation between China and the EU in the fields of press, publication, radio, film and television.
(二)便利人员往来 II. Facilitation of people-to-people exchanges
1. 对2013年启动中欧人员往来和移民领域对话表示欢迎,将继续探索便利中国和欧盟公民相互往来的方式,包括互免双方持外交护照人员签证、在打击非法移民活动方面加强合作等。 1. Welcome the launch of the 2013 China-EU Mobility and Migration Dialogue, and continue to explore ways of facilitating exchanges for Chinese and EU citizens, including mutual visa exemption for holders of diplomatic passports, while strengthening cooperation on illegal migration.
2. 落实2013年中欧《关于可持续旅游领域合作的联合声明》,特别是建立中欧定期旅游对话和信息交流机制,就发展可持续旅游相关倡议和范例交换经验。加强游客旅游安全信息交流,通过开展共同项目等促进中欧旅游交往。 2. Implement the 2013 Joint Statement in the field of sustainable tourism by China and the EU; in particular, set up a regular China-EU Tourism Dialogue and information exchange mechanism on respective initiatives and best practices in the development of sustainable tourism; facilitate exchange of information on the safety protection of tourists; and promote tourist flows, including the development of common projects.


来源:中国网 日期:2013年11月26日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 1012



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