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作者:admin  发表时间:2019-2-13
中阿合作论坛第七届部长级会议前夕,外交部长王毅在北京接受了卡塔尔半岛电视台采访。采访全文如下: In the lead up to the seventh Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, Foreign Minister Wang Yi gave an interview to Al Jazeera in Beijing. The following is the transcript of the interview.
一、问:中东在中国外交战略中的地位和重要性如何? Question 1: How important is the Middle East in China's diplomatic strategy?
王毅:中东始终在中国的对外政策中占有独特和重要的地位。因为我们都是发展中国家,都有类似的历史遭遇,都有共同的振兴国家目标,所以中国同阿拉伯各国人民始终都是好朋友和好伙伴。 Wang Yi: The Middle East has always had a unique and important place in China's foreign policy. We are all developing countries, we have similar historical experiences and we share the goal of revitalizing our nations. Hence, the people of China and Arab countries have been close friends and strong partners.
我们从上个世纪五十年代建国之初开始,就坚定地支持阿拉伯各国人民争取民族解放的事业,特别是巴勒斯坦解放事业。在所有涉及到巴勒斯坦问题的重要历史关头,中国都坚定不移地站在巴勒斯坦人民一边,站在阿拉伯人民一边,这是我们之间一个好的传统。 The fact is, since the 1950s when New China was just founded, we have been a staunch supporter of Arab people's quest for national liberation, especially that of the Palestinian people. At all critical moments of the Palestine issue, China has stood firmly with the Palestinian people, with the Arab people, and this has become a good tradition between us.
近年来,随着中国和阿拉伯国家的不断发展,中阿关系的内涵也在不断扩大。我们更多地开展互利合作,现在中国已成为10个阿拉伯国家的最大贸易伙伴,中阿双方贸易额已超过了2000亿美元。中国从海外进口的原油近一半来自阿拉伯国家,中国对阿拉伯国家的投资也在快速增加。当然,中阿关系还有很大的发展空间和潜力。中国同阿拉伯国家在传统友好基础上,正在日益结成利益共同体。 As China and Arab countries continue to develop in recent years, our relations have also been growing in substance. We have launched more win-win cooperation, with China now being the top trading partner of 10 Arab countries and our two-way trade exceeding 200 billion US dollars. Nearly half of China's crude oil imports come from Arab countries, and China's investment in Arab countries is fast rising. Having said that, there is still broad space and much potential to be tapped in China-Arab relations. Underpinned by their traditional friendship, China and Arab countries are increasingly becoming a community of shared interests.
习近平主席提出我们要共同建设“一带一路”。“一带一路”建设中,阿拉伯国家、中东地区显然处于一个非常重要的战略位置。中东在中国今后对外政策中的地位将不断提升,我们对中国同中东各国关系的前景充满信心。新形势下,我们不仅会成为共同建设“一带一路”最理想的合作伙伴,实现我们共同发展和共同振兴,也一定会在这个进程中维护好双方的共同利益,共同推进国际关系民主化进程。 President Xi Jinping has called for a joint endeavor to build the Belt and Road. Arab countries and the Middle East evidently occupy a strategic place in such efforts, and the Middle East will only enjoy a rising status in China's foreign policy. We have full confidence in the future of China's relations with Middle East countries. Under the new circumstances, we will not just be each other's ideal partners in building the Belt and Road for common development and rejuvenation, but also safeguard our common interests and jointly make the international relations more democratic.
二、问:习近平主席提出了“一带一路”的倡议,中国和阿拉伯国家如何能从这个倡议中受益呢? Question 2: Regarding President Xi Jinping's Belt and Road Initiative, how will China and Arab countries benefit from it?
王毅:你提了一个非常好的问题。丝绸之路在2000多年前就开始形成了,那个时候中东地区就是陆上丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路的交汇地,当时的中东各国跟中国互通有无、友好交往,为我们各自带来了和平、安宁和繁荣。时代发展到今天,中国奉行全方位的开放政策,我们在向东开放的基础上,积极地向西开放。无论是中东国家也好,中亚国家、南亚国家也好,甚至包括欧洲国家,都开始向东看。这样就形成了中国的发展战略跟欧亚大陆很多国家发展战略的相互对接。这一趋势实际上反映了我们彼此的合作需求。欧亚大陆几百年来经历了诸多战火和动荡,各国人民普遍希望和平、发展。现在很多国家都把发展作为最主要的任务,中国也把发展作为第一要务。在发展问题上,中国跟丝绸之路沿线各国,特别是跟中东国家完全可以优势互补,实现共同发展繁荣。根据欧亚大陆国家这个共同愿望,习近平主席提出“一带一路”倡议,很快得到沿线很多国家的积极响应和参与,截至目前约有70多个国家和组织,包括中东地区各国,都积极地给予呼应。 Wang Yi: This is a very good question. The Silk Road began to take shape from more than 2,000 years ago, and the Middle East was where the land and maritime silk roads intersected. Friendly exchanges between China and countries in the region brought peace, tranquility and prosperity to both sides. Fast track to today: China is following its opening up policy in all respects. Building on our eastward opening-up, we are more active in opening westward. In the meantime, we have noted that, be it Middle East countries, Central Asian countries, or South East countries, and even European countries, they have all started to look to the East. This has made synergy possible between China's development strategy and those of many Eurasian countries. This trend reflects our mutual need for cooperation. Having suffered from wars and turmoil for centuries, people of all Eurasian countries aspire for peace and development more than anything else, and many countries make development as much a high priority as China does. When it comes to development, China and countries along the Silk Road, especially the Middle East countries, have every condition to draw on each other's comparative strengths, and achieve common development and prosperity. In keeping with this common aspiration of Eurasian countries, President Xi Jinping put forward the Belt and Road Initiative. The initiative soon received warm response from many countries along the routes, and so far over 70 countries and organizations, including Middle East countries, are ready to participate.
现代的海上丝绸之路和陆地丝绸之路同样交汇在中东。随着“一带一路”的推进,必将给中东各国发展带来新的、重要历史机遇。我们也愿意通过“一带一路”建设同中东各国携起手来,把发展中国家的经济搞好,给人民带来实实在在的福祉,一起来振兴欧亚大陆,这个前景完全可以实现。 The Middle East region is also where the modern versions of the land and maritime Silk Roads meet. Implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative will surely bring new, historic development opportunities to countries in the region. We are also ready to, through the initiative, work with all countries in the Middle East to make the economy of developing countries stronger, and deliver real benefits to our people. Let us work together for the revival of the Eurasian continent. This vision can become a reality.
三、问:“一带一路”何时开始实施? Question 3: When will the Belt and Road Initiative get started?
王毅:“一带一路”已经开始实施了,也有了一些早期收获。目前项目库里的合作项目越来越多,据我了解已经有近千个项目。随着我们跟各国之间的相互沟通进一步密切,这些项目都会陆陆续续地付诸实施。 Wang Yi: Implementation of the initiative has already begun. Some projects have got off to a start. The pool of projects is growing bigger, up to 1,000 as I know. As our communication with relevant countries deepens, these projects will be implemented one after another.
为什么有这么多项目?大家这么感兴趣?它首先反映了中国同沿线各国、包括与中东国家的相互需求。很多欧亚大陆国家都希望加快工业化进程,希望摆脱过去长期单纯依靠初级产品、依靠一般性资源产品的经济发展模式,希望提高自主发展能力,推动实现经济多元化。中国经济正好发展到了工业化成熟期,我们有大量优质产能和成熟技术可以提供给其他国家。我们在提供这些各国需要的装备和技术的同时,还可以开展人员培训,提供必要的融资支持。包括中东国家在内的欧亚大陆国家正处在推进工业化进程中,中国肯定会成为你们最理想的合作伙伴。再加上我们还有加强合作的政治意愿,以及广泛的共同利益,这些都会促使我们之间的互利合作进一步深入发展。我们在中东地区有一些大项目,比如说在沙特已经投产的延布炼厂,是一个大型石化工厂,有助于沙特提高自身的工业化水平和自主发展能力。我们在阿曼还计划建设工业园,在科威特要合作建设丝绸城项目,将利用几个岛屿进行综合开发。 How come there are so many projects? And why such a keen interest? First and foremost, this is because they speak to the mutual need of China and countries along the routes, including the Middle East countries. Many Eurasian countries want to expedite their industrialization process and shift away from the long, old pattern of driving economic development by relying on primary products and general resource products. They hope to enhance their self-development capacity and promote diversity in the economy. As China's economy has entered a mature stage of industrialization, we have abundant quality industrial capacity and mature technologies that we can offer other countries. In addition, we can also provide personnel training and necessary financing support. Hence, I'm confident that countries in Eurasia, including the Middle East countries, will find China their ideal partner in the industrialization process. And our political will to enhance cooperation and extensive common interests will only help us achieve greater progress in the win-win cooperation. We have developed some big projects in the Middle East, for example, the Yanbu refinery in Saudi Arabia which is already in operation. This is a large petrochemical plant that helps Saudi Arabia raise its level of industrialization and capacity for self-development. We plan to build an industrial park in Oman, and will undertake a silk city project in Kuwait and launch integrated development around several islands.
丝绸之路经济带概括起来讲,包含三个方面的内容:一是互联互通。要通过铁路、公路、航空、网络等各种各样的通道,把欧亚大陆尽可能联通起来,为经济发展创造基本条件。二是产能合作。通过我们的互利合作,提高各国工业化水平和发展能力。三是人文交流。丝绸之路有一个多种文明相互学习、相互尊重、相互借鉴的良好传统,我们希望弘扬这个传统,在丝绸之路沿线开展丰富多彩的人文交流,增进中国同包括中东各国在内的沿线国家和人民之间的相互了解和友好感情,夯实中国同这些国家关系的社会基础和民意基础。这些都是我们在做的事情。 The Silk Road Economic Belt, in general, has three dimensions: First, connectivity. The goal is to closely connect as much of Eurasian continent as possible by rail, road, air and network to create basic conditions for development. Second, production capacity cooperation. This is to raise the level of industrialization and enhance the capacity for development for various countries through win-win cooperation. And third, cultural and people-to-people exchange. We have fostered along the Silk Road a fine tradition of mutual learning and mutual respect between different civilizations. We hope to carry forward this tradition and conduct diverse cultural exchanges along the route to increase mutual understanding and friendship, and solidify public support for relations between China and these countries. This is what we have been doing.
四、问:您将在12号出席中阿合作论坛第七届部长级会议,中方通过中阿论坛期待实现怎样的成果? Question 4: On 12 May, you will attend the 7th Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. What outcomes does China expect out of the Forum?
王毅:中阿合作论坛是中国同发展中国家建立的一个重要的对话与合作平台。它首先体现了中国对阿拉伯国家的重视。我们希望在同阿拉伯和中东国家双边友好基础上,有一个集体对话与合作渠道,以促进阿拉伯国家整体对中国的了解和同中国的全方位合作。 Wang Yi: The China-Arab States Cooperation Forum is an important platform of dialogue and cooperation that China has established with other developing countries. More than anything else, the Forum shows that China values the importance of Arab States. We hope that on the basis of bilateral friendship between China and Arab and Middle East countries, we can have a channel of collective dialogue and cooperation to promote greater understanding of China by more Arab states and their cooperation with China across the board.
这个论坛已经成立了12年,举行过6次部长级会议,取得很多重要成果,推动了我们和阿拉伯国家关系全方位的发展。例如,现在已经有5个阿拉伯国家同中国签署了“一带一路”合作协议,7个阿拉伯国家加入了中国倡导成立的亚洲基础设施投资银行,成为了创始成员国,8个阿拉伯国家跟中国建立了战略伙伴关系,还有刚刚我提到,中国已经是10个阿拉伯国家的最大贸易伙伴。此外,阿拉伯国家在中国的留学生数量快速增长,达到14000名,我们每周往返中国和阿拉伯国家的航班已经接近200班次。这些都是中阿合作论坛成立以来,经过双方共同努力取得的成果。 The Forum is now 12 years old, and six ministerial meetings have been held. It has produced many important outcomes and advanced China's relations with Arab states in all respects. For instance, five Arab states have signed cooperation agreements with China under the Belt and Road Initiative. Seven Arab states have joined as founding members the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank established under China's proposal. Eight Arab countries have established strategic partnerships with China. And as I mentioned just now, China has become the largest trading partner of 10 Arab states. In addition, the number of students from Arab states studying in China has risen rapidly to 14,000. Every week, nearly 200 flights travel between China and Arab countries. These are all what has been accomplished through joint efforts of both sides since the inception of the Forum.
即将在卡塔尔召开的第七届部长级会议,非常重要的一个着力点就是同阿拉伯国家共同商讨落实习近平主席今年1月份访问阿盟时提出的中国对阿拉伯国家友好政策和宣布的一系列重大举措。例如,如何落实用于阿拉伯国家提高工业化能力的150亿美元专项贷款,如何用好主要用于基础设施建设的100亿美元优惠贷款,还有分别同卡塔尔和阿联酋各100亿美元的投资基金,我们希望这两个基金能够为阿拉伯国家的发展发挥它的作用。我们还将在本次会议上宣布一些新的举措,比如未来2年增加从阿拉伯国家邀请6000名政府奖学金学生,为阿拉伯国家培养6000名专业人才,邀请600名阿拉伯国家各政党、各政治派别的领导人到中国来参观考察,同中方相关部门就治国理政进行平等、友好交流等等。总而言之,我们会再出台一系列中国加强同阿拉伯国家关系的具体措施,来体现我们对阿拉伯国家的友好政策。 At the upcoming 7th Ministerial Meeting held in Qatar, our discussion with Arab states will be focused on ways to follow through on President Xi Jinping's policy initiative to achieve China's friendly ties with Arab countries and a number of key measures he announced during his visit to the League of Arab States last January. We will discuss matters such as how to put into use the US$15 billion special loans for helping Arab states improve their industrialization capabilities and the US$10 billion concessional loans for infrastructure building. We will also discuss how to use the two US$10 billion cooperation funds established with Qatar and the UAE respectively. We hope that the two funds will play their role for the development of Arab states. At the meeting, we will announce some new measures. For example, in the next two years, we will invite to China additional 6,000 students from Arab states under government scholarships, train 6,000 professionals for Arab states and invite 600 leaders of different political parties and group of Arab countries to visit China and hold equal-footed and friendly exchanges on governance issues with relevant authorities of China. In short, we will introduce another host of specific policies and measures on strengthening China-Arab states relations as part of our policies to enhance friendship with Arab states.
五、问:中国长期关注巴勒斯坦问题,为什么不敦促以色列解除对加沙封锁、人道对待巴勒斯坦人民? Question 5: China has followed the question of Palestine for years. Why don't you urge Israel to lift its blockade in Gaza and treat the Palestinian people humanely?
王毅:我们一贯坚定支持巴勒斯坦人民恢复民族权利的正义事业,反对加沙地区长期遭受封锁。习近平主席在阐述我国对于巴勒斯坦问题的政策时,曾公开呼吁解除对加沙的封锁。加沙问题是整个巴勒斯坦问题的一部分,我们支持在解决巴勒斯坦问题进程中解决好加沙问题。 Wang Yi: We firmly support the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their national rights and oppose to the prolonged blockade in the Gaza Strip. When outlining China's policy on the Palestinian issue, President Xi Jinping publicly called for the lifting of the blockade in Gaza. The Gaza issue is part of the Palestinian question. We support the effort to address it in the process of resolving the Palestinian question as a whole.
当务之急是关注那里出现的人道主义危机,为当地人民遭受的苦难提供必要支持和帮助。同时还要为根本上解决问题开辟新的思路。我最近接待了巴勒斯坦外长,他跟我谈到了一些很重要的想法,他认为现在都在谈论难民问题,但不应该忘记巴勒斯坦难民问题,我非常赞成。巴勒斯坦的民众已经颠沛流离半个多世纪,始终没有建立起自己的家园,这种不公平、不合理的现象不能再继续下去。明年是联合国通过巴勒斯坦分治决议70周年,70年过去了,巴勒斯坦人民的正义主张和民族夙愿仍然没有实现,这需要引起国际社会的高度重视,应该进一步形成合力,尽快解决好巴勒斯坦问题。 The pressing task at the moment is to focus on the humanitarian crisis there and offer necessary support and help to the local people who are suffering. At the same time, new ideas should be explored for ultimately resolving the issue. Recently I met the Palestinian Foreign Minister in China. He raised some very important ideas. He said that the Palestinian refugees should not be forgotten when everybody is talking about the refugee issue. I could not agree more. The refugees of Palestine have been displaced for over half a century, unable to build their own homeland. Such an unfair and unreasonable phenomenon cannot be allowed to persist. Next year will mark the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Palestine Partition Plan. Seventy years have passed, but the just propositions and national aspirations the Palestinian people are yet to be realized. The international community should place high importance on it and further pool together energy to solve the Palestinian question at an early date.
巴勒斯坦问题是中东问题的核心,关乎人类的良知和正义。我们不能让这个问题继续拖延,不能让巴勒斯坦的兄弟姐妹继续流离失所。巴勒斯坦跟法国正在商谈扩大解决巴勒斯坦问题的国际机制,中方对此持开放和积极态度。我们认为确实应该有更多国家关注和参与巴勒斯坦问题的解决。如果有这样一个新的更大范围的机制,中方愿意积极参与,发挥建设性作用。 This issue is at the core of the Middle East question. It bears on the conscience and justice of mankind and we cannot afford to let it drag on. Neither can we allow our brothers and sisters to remain displaced. Palestine and France are now having discussions on expanding the international mechanism to solve the issue and China's attitude is open and supportive. We do believe that more countries should care about and participate in the settlement of the Palestinian issue. If such a new and broader mechanism is in place, China is ready to take an active part in it and play a constructive role.


来源:中国网 日期:2016年5月24日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 962



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