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作者:admin  发表时间:2019-2-4
结束语 Conclusion
卫星导航系统是人类发展的共同财富,是提供全天候精确时空信息的空间基础设施,推动了知识技术密集、成长潜力大、综合效益好的新兴产业集群发展,成为国家安全和经济社会发展的重要支撑,日益改变着人类生产生活方式。 Navigation satellite systems are the common wealth of the development of mankind, and also a space infrastructure which can provide all-time precise time and space information. They promote the development of emerging industrial clusters that are technology- and knowledge-intensive with huge growth potentials and sound comprehensive benefits, thus becoming critical support for national security, economic and social development, and increasingly improve the people' s production and living activities.
中国将坚定不移地实施北斗系统建设,不断提升系统性能,履行服务承诺。坚持开放合作,加强推广普及,着力促进卫星导航在全球的广泛应用,让卫星导航更好地惠及民生福祉、服务人类发展进步。 China will continue its BDS construction, improve the system performance, and fulfill its service commitments. It will persist in opening up and cooperation, promote the popularization in this field, strive to advance satellite navigation applications worldwide, and make satellite navigation better benefit the wellbeing of the people and the progress of mankind.

来源:中国网 日期:2016年6月16日



发布人:admin    已被浏览 953



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