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“三管齐下” 的英语翻译
“三管齐下” 的英语翻译
作者:admin  发表时间:2015-12-21


Three-way approach 


e.g. 人无远虑,必有近忧。现在回过头看,如果不是用改革的办法,即简政放权、创新宏观调控方式、着力调整结构“三管齐下”,而是采取短期刺激政策,不仅去年的结果可能会大不一样,而且今后几年的日子也许会更难过。靠改革创新,既解决当前突出问题,又为长远发展奠定基础,这是去年实践给我们的深刻启示。

Failing to plan for the long term will inevitably bring about trouble in the short term. Looking back now, if we had opted for short-term stimulus policies instead of turning to reform, that is, our three-way approach of streamlining administration and scaling back administrative power, adopting innovative approaches in macro-control, and carrying out economic restructuring, it is likely that last year would have played out very differently. Moreover, we would probably have created many difficulties for ourselves in the years ahead. Last year taught us that reform and innovation not only allow us to address the striking problems that we face in the short term, but also enable us to lay down a foundation for long-term development.




发布人:admin    已被浏览 2963



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