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作者:admin  发表时间:2015-5-9

      秧歌(Yangko dance),也称“扭秧歌”,是中国最具代表性的民间舞蹈,也是歌唱艺术和舞蹈艺术的独特融合。秩歌源于插秧(rice seedling transplanting)和犁地等农业劳动,与很久以前崇拜农神(farming god)、祈求丰收的歌曲有关。受农耕歌、民歌、民间功夫等影响,秧歌成为一种民间歌舞。秧歌不仅是表演艺术,也是自娱自乐的活动。只要有盛大节日,人们就会组织秧歌比赛和秧歌表演。由于其欢乐的场面和生动的表演形式,秧歌受到男女老少的普遍欢迎。


  The Yangko dance, also known as “twisting Yangko dance”, is the most representative folk dance in China and a special combination of singing art and dancing art. The Yangko dance sprang from the labor activities of rice seedling transplanting and farmland ploughing,and was linked to songs used to worship the God of Farm to pray for a good harvest long time ago.Influenced by farming songs,folk songs, folk Kung fu and so on, it has become a kind of folk song and dance.The Yangko dance is not only a performing art, but also a self-amusement activity.People will organize Yangko dance competitions and performances whenever there is a great festival. Because of its cheerful scene,rich body language and vivid performing style, the Yangko dance is very popular among men and women, the old and the young.




发布人:admin    已被浏览 2231



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