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作者:admin  发表时间:2015-4-10

Opening Remarks at the Eco-Forum Global Event



Christophe Bahuet, Country Director, UNDP China

联合国开发计划署驻华代表处国别主任 白桦


05 March 2015



Excellency Zhang Xinsheng, Executive Chairman, Eco-Forum Global,

Dr. CHEN Gang, Party Secretary of Guiyang,

Mr. MA Jun, Chief Economist of People’s Bank of China,

Mr. Li Ximing, Vice President of SK group for Greater China,

Mr. Che Wei, Vice President of Danfoss China,

Business Leaders, distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,







Good morning to all.




It is my great pleasure to address you this morning at this special event, and I would like to thank the Eco-Forum Global for inviting UNDP to participate in this important initiative.




We have gathered here today at the beginning of the Chinese New Year, in a year that holds great significance for the future of global development. Indeed, the year of the Sheep and 2015 will see three milestones: the expected emergence of a new global architecture for financing sustainable development with the conference on financing for development to be held in Ethiopia this July; the adoption at the United Nations in September of a new development agenda to lead our world into a more sustainable future; and the Paris Conference on climate change in December, which should adopt a new – and hopefully meaningful agreement to address climate change with concrete actions.




Progress in those three areas, namely the new global development agenda, climate change and financing for development can only be made when all key actors are actively involved. This includes the private sector, which is widely recognized as a major actor and is becoming increasingly engaged in all aspects of development. In the context of today’s event, I would like to highlight the following roles that the private sector can play for sustainable development.




First, the private sector has to serve as the engine to successfully combine economic growth, job creation and sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development gained ground at the Stockholm Conference on Environment and Development in 1972 and at the UN Rio Conference in 1992. The importance of sustainable development for the future of humanity was recognized at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012, with the decision to formulate an ambitious set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).




To ensure profound, enduring human progress, the post-2015 agenda with 17 proposed goals calls for a new strategy combining economic, social and environmental issues. It is increasingly acknowledged that those three dimensions are not competing one with the other or excluding one another, but that they are actually mutually reinforcing. Environmentally sustainable policies can benefit economic sectors by creating opportunities for high return investments and new businesses, and in turn can bring about social progress through employment creation and improved well-being of the populations. An investment in green growth has social, economic and environmental benefits. When a company innovates and invests with sustainability in mind, it is effectively investing in a sustainable future. And investing now in green solutions will be less costly than spending much more when it may be too late.




The private sector is increasingly the engine of economic growth. It also creates 90 percent of jobs in developing countries and as we see in China, it is at the forefront of technology creation. For those three reasons, it obviously has a key role to play to put sustainable development in practice.




Secondly, the private sector has an important function to play in advocating for a meaningful agreement on climate change at the Paris Conference, COP 21, this December and in implementing concrete actions to contain climate change. The fifth and most recent Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that failure to contain the rise of surface temperature to below two degrees Celsius by 2100 will be catastrophic for our planet. The Asian region would be the worst affected, as the report concludes that a one-degree increase in temperature will raise sea levels almost by 1 meter. Despite the dire forecasts, measures such as “Deep Decarbonization” and “Green Growth” holds a promise in low-carbon development paths. Taking this path, however, requires an immediate economic transition and technology revolution supported by global cooperation at an unprecedented scale. Here again the private sector’s role will be absolutely critical. For instance, meeting the emissions reduction targets at national and international levels will not happen without the private sector. This should, and can happen. UNDP has been working with many industry private sector companies in finding ways to reduce the CO2 footprint of these industries. For instance in the area of room air conditioners private companies partnering with UNDP have helped ensured an annual CO2 reduction of more than 58 Metric Tons. In our efforts to phase-out incandescent lamps the private sector transformation of their production lines has ensured an annual CO2 reduction of more than 26 Metric Tons.




Securing the benefits of a green economy is not an option but a necessity, as a failure to do so will result in instability, irreversible damage, and ultimately a regression in human progress. This is why the world must achieve sustainable development at scale and speed commensurate with the risks made apparent to us.




Thirdly, the private sector can be a major player in financing sustainable development. The new sustainable development agenda, which will start after 2015 endeavors to be even more far-reaching and transformational than the earlier one of the MDGs. As the ambition increases, however, so does the cost. The UN World Investment Report 2014 estimated that between USD 3.3 trillion to USD 4.5 trillion per year would be needed in the developing world to deliver the 17 proposed SDGs, creating an annual funding gap of approximately USD 2.5 trillion. While innovative sources of development finance such as carbon taxes and airline ticket taxes seem poised to contribute to development results, the scale of these new instruments remains small compared to the expected shortfall. In short, public monies alone will not be enough to meet the sheer magnitude of the sustainable development challenges.




That is why the international community should look to the private sector for effective development financing. Indeed, there is an indication that the private sector has already begun responding. An increasing number of socially conscious investors are placing their wealth in innovative initiatives such as “vaccine” bonds and “climate” bonds, which contribute to important development and environmental objectives. Mechanisms intended to assist the private sector in such financing endeavors are also being introduced, such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF)’s private sector facility, which would explore opportunities to engage businesses in supporting environmental protection.




Ladies and Gentleman,




The United Nations has long been requesting governments, corporations and Civil Society Organizations alike to take actions for sustainable development, and there have been some encouraging responses. Some 80 Governments have engaged and committed to support the Sustainable Energy for All initiative, a UN Secretary General’s initiative that sets out to ensure universal access to modern energy services, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency, and double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, all by 2030. Furthermore, over USD 500 billion were pledged during Rio+20 by companies, development agencies, municipalities and local governments, NGOs, etc.




UNDP has carried out extensive work to support countries to strengthen the readiness of Governments to plan, access, deliver, and monitor climate funds. We believe this is an underexplored domain with an enormous potential as was clearly stated by the UN Secretary-General’s High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing. UNDP stands ready to work with interested stakeholders to develop promising ideas.




Sustainable development transcends short-term issues and has vital implications for the wellbeing of people living on this planet as well as future generations. Making the shift to green growth and sustainable development calls for the private sector to join and step up to perhaps the greatest challenge we face in human history.




Thank you for your attention.






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