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Contributions of Deng Xiaoping
作者:admin  发表时间:2014-10-29

    Deng Xiaoping was the chief architect of China's reform and opening-up policies.  He put forward the theory of "building socialism with Chinese characteristics," supported the implementation of the household resposibility system with remuneration linked to output in the countryside, the introduction of various forms of responsibility system aimed at breaking the practice of everyone eating from the same "big pot," and the establishment of a socialist market economy system on the basis of public ownership.  At the same time, he advocated reform of the political system, such as by separating the functions of the Party and the government, delegating power to lower levels, develaping a democratic style of work, etc.


    He advocated combining reform wth opening-up and establishing special economic zones (SEZ).  In July 1979 the State Council decided to set up SEZs in Guangdong and Fujian provinces on a trial basis.  In 1992, he made an inspection tour of southern China and issued important instructions, emphasizing that it was necessary to seize the opportunities and take economic development as the key.


    He pointed out that "science and technology are the primary productive forces," and ured that it was necessary to show respect for knowledge and talened people and develop education.


    To achieve the reunion of Hong Kong and Macao with the motherland, he put forth te idea for realizing the reunification of the country on the principle of "one country, two systems".


    Xinyi Translation Studio

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