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New Ambassador Expects Restored Japan-China Ties
作者:admin  发表时间:2012-12-17

Newly appointed Japanese ambassador to China Masato Kitera says he believes the friendly relations between Japan and China could be restored and further developed.

The new ambassador said that though the mission is hard, he will still go ahead with full spirit and energy, and he was confident as many politicians from both the ruling party and the opposition support him.

"I will go to my post on December 25. I think my primary task is to promote Sino-Japanese ties by communicating with Chinese personages of all circles. I want to stress that as the second and third economies of the world, China and Japan have had profound and broad economic and trade cooperation, but the cooled relations between Japan and China is not good for the people of the two countries and their economies. Only deepening Sino-Japanese ties can benefit people in both counties."

Analysts say that Kitera is good at coordinating international relations even though he doesn't have much experience with China affairs. The Japanese government also hopes that he would bring into full play his coordinating ability to help improve the Japanese-Chinese relations.

Kitera stresses that as the second and third economies of the world, China and Japan have had a profound and broad economic and trade cooperation, and their cooled relations are very unfortunate for the people of the two countries and for their economies as well.

Kitera's mother was born in Dalian in northeast China and she had lived there for 14 years. The ambassador said he would like very much to visit the port city. 


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